hello:my Epson r1900 just konked served me well for 5 years-I made countless excellent quality prints,,,,,anyway i'm looking for a new printer-preferably r1900 cost me $350 and now they want $799! i looked at the r2200,r2000 r2800 and r2880 online and the ink costs are skyhigh,but they seem lke good printers and they are cheaper than the r1900.i like the 13x19' paper problem with Epson products for me is that there is no service repair shop anywhere near fact i have to ship it out of state for repairs.i live in michigans upper peninsula.i want to stick with Epson but i will look at cannon too.any suggestions?
It's an older model which used to sell for ~ $500 so no wifi, etc. Heck, it doesn't even come with a usb cable
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
The holiday season is coming so I'd wait a month just to see if any big deals go on if this isn't urgent.
I have the 3880, and am very happy, but it sounds like that is out of your price range, but it does use the 80ml inks that makes prints cheaper. With $200 rebate and without ink, you are paying ~$500 for the printer. The ink is $500+ though.
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