How to make Separator color the same as page color in a Gallery
I have two Separators in my Landscape Gallery that are a lighter color than the background color of the page. How do I make the Separator colors the same as the background, so that they are invisible? I've already changed all of the colors in the Theme to match the background color (except text). Thanks!!
BTW, your photographs are wonderful. Don't have much time now but I'll be back for them.
In my screen the thumnails don't appear under the larger photograph, they are to the side. So I can't answer the question.
Thanks for the compliment. I still would like an answer to my question though. I like how things look spacially with the separators in and would like to have their color blend (be the same) as the background.
I'm not sure but maybe it's not only the color but the alpha slider.
I don't know which component of the theme relates to the seperators, but check if the sliders are all set to the save level.
Alpha sliders are all the same. Other suggestions?