Thank you! Do you know if he charges for the password that he talks about needing to give you?
I don't believe he does.
He is also on DGrin as Lamah - He also has a number of other smugmug customizations if you click through the menu on his page.
So is it conclusive that SM Heroes will not be adding this highly demanded option that was possible in legacy and now no longer available with the new SM and Lamah's alternative is the only viable option? If so - I am seriously contemplating not renewing my subscription soon after all this effort for nothing
If so - I am seriously contemplating not renewing my subscription soon after all this effort for nothing
??????? As far as I can see, you have one gallery of 4 photos????????????
I understand you may not want to go forward to fully implement your website if you can't have this feature ... but that seems to be future effort.
There have been a number of threads around client logins - it seems many have been able to find something workable. Whether any compromise for the moment will satisfy your needs will be up to you of course.
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
??????? As far as I can see, you have one gallery of 4 photos????????????
I understand you may not want to go forward to fully implement your website if you can't have this feature ... but that seems to be future effort.
There have been a number of threads around client logins - it seems many have been able to find something workable. Whether any compromise for the moment will satisfy your needs will be up to you of course.
Not really sure what you're "seeing" since I am currently still using my legacy site which has far more than 4 galleries.
I have not launched my new site because of the client login. This is the only thing holding it back. I have seen ZERO postings of any notion of a client login section becoming a hugely requested feature. I have seen the copious threads on client login, and they all have gone unanswered by the heros beyond "Use Lamah's complicated and tedious alternative, thx bye" essentially. That option is not a compromise, it's an unnecessary sacrifice from my legacy site.
Not sure either - there was only one gallery the other day.
Now I can see just three galleries ... I'm using your link in Post #1
I guess, for the moment, you have two alternatives ... keep using Lagacy or accept something that New Smug is capable of.
I suspect the best option may be stay with Legacy until Smug comes up with a solution.
Good luck. Hope it can be resolved for you.
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
That option is not a compromise, it's an unnecessary sacrifice from my legacy site.
You can always pay Fastline to install a template for you, they have a built-in "client login" system (though it does virtually nothing to protect customer privacy, so be sure to set a password on each individual gallery).
You can always pay Fastline to install a template for you, they have a built-in "client login" system (though it does virtually nothing to protect customer privacy, so be sure to set a password on each individual gallery).
I'm already paying smugmug for my subscription, I do not need to spend anymore money on an alternative that you even note does not protect privacy where as the option I currently have on my legacy site does.
I don't understand why it is so difficult for SM to implement this. Or even simply allow me to create a Clients section that at the very least requires a password to get into. From there I understand presently all the other client galleries will be shown and I am ok with that for now. What I am not ok with and have yet to have found a solution to is having the photos from each of those galleries not show up in the folder section and rather simply just a Lock icon show instead. If it shows just a picture of a lock with "Tom and Judy" as the title and Tom and Judy need a password to get into the client gallery and another to get into their specific folder - then I am fine with that, but from what it seems I can't even do that.
Please correct me if i am wrong and direct me towards where I can do this if this is possible, as thus far I have found nothing that allows this to happen.
I really want to launch my new site so I can run a promotion or something to attract new traffic/client/sales before thanksgiving as I like everything about the new SM BUT the lack of login for clients. It is not that much of an issue right now given that I have only 1 live client gallery but for future as holidays come and I start potentially booking holiday photo shoots (both naughty and nice) i need to have that level of security so some family doesn't go to look at their gallery and accidentally clicks on another client's "I've been naughty and nice" photoshoot if you get my drift.
Working with current configurations. I'd create a "Client landing page", "a page" with a html box to add links for clients.
On this page add a link for each client with the link going to their folder (multiple galleries) or gallery. Password their folder/galleries.
On the landing page call the link something bogus like "a55ve3" or "green onions" or "any phrase" and tell them what to click on.
This hides their name. Or use their name is they don't mine.
Can someone from SmugMug (M. Bonocore maybe, if possible, please?) provide any information, any details about company's plans for the client login function, please?
Working with current configurations. I'd create a "Client landing page", "a page" with a html box to add links for clients.
On this page add a link for each client with the link going to their folder (multiple galleries) or gallery. Password their folder/galleries.
On the landing page call the link something bogus like "a55ve3" or "green onions" or "any phrase" and tell them what to click on.
This hides their name. Or use their name is they don't mine.
That's essentially what I use now.
I understand that it isn't the same as a single "login" box that then takes client to their gallery/folder, without them seeing other gallery names. If this is a MUST have now ... then, yes, you have a problem.
If, on the other hand, you can live with Allen's suggestion, then there IS a workable solution for the moment.
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
He is also on DGrin as Lamah - He also has a number of other smugmug customizations if you click through the menu on his page.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
??????? As far as I can see, you have one gallery of 4 photos????????????
I understand you may not want to go forward to fully implement your website if you can't have this feature ... but that seems to be future effort.
There have been a number of threads around client logins - it seems many have been able to find something workable. Whether any compromise for the moment will satisfy your needs will be up to you of course.
Not really sure what you're "seeing" since I am currently still using my legacy site which has far more than 4 galleries.
I have not launched my new site because of the client login. This is the only thing holding it back. I have seen ZERO postings of any notion of a client login section becoming a hugely requested feature. I have seen the copious threads on client login, and they all have gone unanswered by the heros beyond "Use Lamah's complicated and tedious alternative, thx bye" essentially. That option is not a compromise, it's an unnecessary sacrifice from my legacy site.
Now I can see just three galleries ... I'm using your link in Post #1
I guess, for the moment, you have two alternatives ... keep using Lagacy or accept something that New Smug is capable of.
I suspect the best option may be stay with Legacy until Smug comes up with a solution.
Good luck. Hope it can be resolved for you.
You can always pay Fastline to install a template for you, they have a built-in "client login" system (though it does virtually nothing to protect customer privacy, so be sure to set a password on each individual gallery).
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I'm already paying smugmug for my subscription, I do not need to spend anymore money on an alternative that you even note does not protect privacy where as the option I currently have on my legacy site does.
I don't understand why it is so difficult for SM to implement this. Or even simply allow me to create a Clients section that at the very least requires a password to get into. From there I understand presently all the other client galleries will be shown and I am ok with that for now. What I am not ok with and have yet to have found a solution to is having the photos from each of those galleries not show up in the folder section and rather simply just a Lock icon show instead. If it shows just a picture of a lock with "Tom and Judy" as the title and Tom and Judy need a password to get into the client gallery and another to get into their specific folder - then I am fine with that, but from what it seems I can't even do that.
Please correct me if i am wrong and direct me towards where I can do this if this is possible, as thus far I have found nothing that allows this to happen.
I really want to launch my new site so I can run a promotion or something to attract new traffic/client/sales before thanksgiving as I like everything about the new SM BUT the lack of login for clients. It is not that much of an issue right now given that I have only 1 live client gallery but for future as holidays come and I start potentially booking holiday photo shoots (both naughty and nice) i need to have that level of security so some family doesn't go to look at their gallery and accidentally clicks on another client's "I've been naughty and nice" photoshoot if you get my drift.
On this page add a link for each client with the link going to their folder (multiple galleries) or gallery. Password their folder/galleries.
On the landing page call the link something bogus like "a55ve3" or "green onions" or "any phrase" and tell them what to click on.
This hides their name. Or use their name is they don't mine.
My Website index | My Blog
That's essentially what I use now.
I understand that it isn't the same as a single "login" box that then takes client to their gallery/folder, without them seeing other gallery names. If this is a MUST have now ... then, yes, you have a problem.
If, on the other hand, you can live with Allen's suggestion, then there IS a workable solution for the moment.