Justified text - how do I get it?

Hi all
the text tool only allows text to be centered or aligned left/right but I'd rather like to be able to set it as Justified; how can I get this done? :scratch
thanks to all
the text tool only allows text to be centered or aligned left/right but I'd rather like to be able to set it as Justified; how can I get this done? :scratch
thanks to all
A better way to achieve selective control of alignment/justify would be to use HTML whenever a change is required.
The best way to achieve easy selective control of alignment/justify would be for SM to provide a "Justify" option in the Text content block and make everything work properly!
thanks for your help!
To be honest, I'm rather surprised Justified text formatting is not available by default among New SmugMug customization features
It's something you can find on free Wordpress.org and even on very simple website builder platforms, since it's a standard since years in website designs.
That said, your suggestion does work, thanks a lot!
Venice PhotoBlog
If it's that easy to get things sorted by SM staff, then I have a long wish list
Venice PhotoBlog