URLs for newly organized gallery structure?

Okay, so I probably shouldn't be restructuring my galleries at 2:12 a.m. but - what's done is done... :rolleyes
I have not yet unveiled my new Smugmug site, but started to reorganize my galleries and folders. Unfortunately, I now can't get my navbar to work properly, even if I copy the URL that's showing in the "settings" tab of the new folder. I am trying to get the Long Island & Beyond link in the Navbar to link to a folder of the same name. According to the folder settings, the URL is http://www.saltydogphotography.com/Long-Island-Beyond, but unfortunately, that does not seem to work since all I get is a blank page. Can anyone help?
I have not yet unveiled my new Smugmug site, but started to reorganize my galleries and folders. Unfortunately, I now can't get my navbar to work properly, even if I copy the URL that's showing in the "settings" tab of the new folder. I am trying to get the Long Island & Beyond link in the Navbar to link to a folder of the same name. According to the folder settings, the URL is http://www.saltydogphotography.com/Long-Island-Beyond, but unfortunately, that does not seem to work since all I get is a blank page. Can anyone help?
all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
a "folders" and/or "galleries" box. Set the "select from" for each to "current location".
My Website index | My Blog
The way it is currently structured is "myname" --> several named gallery folders containing individual galleries
There is also one "myname" --> gallery (not inside a folder) and that gallery URL actually works
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
Customize the page and make sure there is a folders and a galleries content element on the page. If there isn't add the missing element.
The content elements you need are in the Navigation section.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Here's a picture of my navigation page and another one of my home page (I am still at the very beginning as you can see). The link "All Galleries - Long Island & Beyond" on the left side of home is the one that I would like to point to the inside of a certain folder called "Long Island & Beyond", so you can see all the sub-folders called "Long Island", "Long Island Seasons" etc. when clicking said link. When I go to settings for the Long Island & Beyond-folder, it tells me that the custom URL is http://www.smugmug.com/Long-Island-Beyond, but again, when I go there, none of the folders that are residing inside show up. On the other hand, the "Fine Art Portfolio" link works, but it doesn't link to a sub-folder, it goes directly to the gallery.
My navigation page:
My home page:
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
Maybe a screen shot will help. This is my All Folders page, containing both a folders element and a galleries element. I was viewing a folder at the time I did a Customize... all folders. While that folder doesn't contain other folders it does have both a folders content element and a galleries content element.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com