Contact link in page text
Hi all - a question I hope you can help with please 
I have created a "Contact" link that appears in the navbar at the top on every page (like this new feature btw) but I cannot figure out how to link to it from within other pages. For example, I would like to have a hyperlink in the body text on my "About" page that opens the same Contact form. Is this possible please?
Hope I have explained that well enough...
Many thanks, Pete

I have created a "Contact" link that appears in the navbar at the top on every page (like this new feature btw) but I cannot figure out how to link to it from within other pages. For example, I would like to have a hyperlink in the body text on my "About" page that opens the same Contact form. Is this possible please?
Hope I have explained that well enough...
Many thanks, Pete
Venice PhotoBlog
<a href="url">Contact me</a>
Of course I may have misunderstood what you want to do.
That's a major lack, from my point of view :bluduh
In conjunction with the impossibility to add java script spam safe mail links (which we could add in Legacy version), it creates a massive limitation.
I'd really need to add specific mail links, different from the default profile one, in pages where I describe services which I better shouldn't connect to my profile email account, but if I have to bear with the risk of getting tons of spam (very likely to happen) I'm probably not doing that.
And WooFoo form is just too complicate and bulky
BTW The profile picture I added to replace the "moustache man" doesn't show up with the same aspect ratio; do you know how I can restore those proportions (roughly, 1x2,5)?????
Venice PhotoBlog
Until SM gets its finger out and does some corrective action, we're using the workaround at
Just out of curiosity why not set up the Wufoo contact page, and use <a href="url">Contact me</a>?
You could set up as many as you want (I think 3 is the free limit, so maybe an account on Wufoo if more are needed).
The galleries could be unlisted and accessible only with the link you put in place.