For the unveiled: does your site blink in section by section?

I'm curious, as I am not unveiled yet - when unveiled, does the homepage (and any page you drill down into), arrive on the screen all at once, or do the different sections come in one after the other?
I'm on 8 GB and 16 GB machines (computer and laptop, respectively) (not Apple), and I'm getting the "block by block" appearance type.
Example: I clicked a folder in my top navbar, and first came the folder title, then the navbar, then contents (the gallery thumbs).
From there I clicked Home in the top navbar, and first came the logo and a blank left sidebar except for the border, then the gallery description, then the contents (folder thumbs).
Is this a condition of the fact that the legacy material is embedded somewhere in all of these pages, or is this normal once unveiled as well. Thanks.
I'm on 8 GB and 16 GB machines (computer and laptop, respectively) (not Apple), and I'm getting the "block by block" appearance type.
Example: I clicked a folder in my top navbar, and first came the folder title, then the navbar, then contents (the gallery thumbs).
From there I clicked Home in the top navbar, and first came the logo and a blank left sidebar except for the border, then the gallery description, then the contents (folder thumbs).
Is this a condition of the fact that the legacy material is embedded somewhere in all of these pages, or is this normal once unveiled as well. Thanks.
I get block-by-block too, although mostly only two blocks. My pages have a left sidebar (with a logo, a nav menu, and some text ), the SM header bar, and whatever content. Typically, things load in two steps. First comes the header and the sidebar without the menu. Then I get the menu (the sidebar expands) and the content. Usually this happens faster than the one-to-three seconds you mentioned in your other post, although it depends on what I'm doing, the phase of the moon, etc.
On my homepage, the content is a big splash picture. Interestingly, in Chrome that image reveals itself a block at a time, while in FF and IE the page may sit there a bit longer between the first and second step, but then the splash picture appears all at once. So I guess the blocking is, at least in part, browser behavior.
Jim Ringland
You can do some work with CSS to improve the loading appearance, depending on which blocks you're working with.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!