Galleries, Folders & Such! Sub-Gallery?

Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
edited December 10, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
I looked for an answer but didn't locate this in my searching - if I missed it, please direct me accordingly.

Hopefully soon, I can launch my new site with my customizations, it's taking some time!


How do I make a sub-gallery? Or, maybe I'm not getting the folder/gallery idea. I want to keep my breadcrumb trail short and direct.
... My Site > Gallery > Subfolder

For example, I have primary galleries of Urban, Rural, Agriculture, Aerial ... then, under Agriculture I want a sub gallery of Crop Dusting.

So, I want this to be - My Site > Agriculture > Crop Dusting

Does this make sense? Or, am I not understanding this right! How can I get a 'sub gallery'?



  • 3PCo3PCo Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited November 26, 2013
    I think that you are mistaken about the sub-gallery concept. You can organize your site to several layers of depth, but this is with folders. I don't believe you can have a subordinate gallery. So on My Site > Agriculture > Crop Dusting, Agriculture has to be a folder.

    (and say Hi to Cano)
  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited November 26, 2013
    The basic terms are: Folder, Sub-folder, Gallery, Page.
    I think this is what you want:

    My Site > Agriculture > Crop Dusting
    Homepage > Folder > Gallery

    Galleries are where photos "live" - you upload them to galleries.

    New Smugmug has infinite possibilities, though, as you can put folders inside galleries now, as well. And sub-folders inside sub-folders. And the Page block is unique as well.

    EDIT: By putting folders inside folders, I mean that is done with a "folder block", one of the content blocks. It let's you link in the folder thumbnail. I've slightly confused things because a folder in the basic organizational structure of Smugmug, isn't ever "inside" a gallery. Very different is a folder block that you can drag and drop and link in a folder, inside a gallery. Hope I have not muddied the waters too much.
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 26, 2013
    So, I'd like to hit Browse - and it will bring me to my galleries. If I open the Agriculture gallery, I see these photos along with a subfolder to crop dusting ... would this be right? (If so, I'd have to figure out how to make it look good with my layout!)

    Is this easily done with the Organizer? Or, do I have to customize by adding a folder block on the gallery page?

    Am I getting that right? I actually thought I had this figured out until I put it into practice!
  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited November 27, 2013
    If I open the Agriculture gallery, I see these photos along with a subfolder to crop dusting ... would this be right?

    I'm not sure what you see, you may be using the terms wrong.
    Yes, I would start with the organizer, that way you can see whether you are working with folders, folders in folders, or galleries. And a folder can have both subfolders and galleries in it. Galleries hold the photos. Drag and drop as you wish: on the left side the folders to inside other folders. Or click a folder and if it has subfolders or galleries, you can drag and drop them from the right side to other folders on the left.

    Then Blocks are the other way to add content, including folder and photo thumbnails.
    I'd like to hit Browse - and it will bring me to my galleries.
    Do you have a navbar set up for this link? SM gives a default Browse link you can set up. If you add it to your navbar, then Publish, then go to that page, there is a block for All Folders, Galleries and Pages. You could redesign this page's contents.
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 27, 2013
    I guess, I was speaking in terms of what I was intending to see ... not, necessarily what I'm looking at right now! It can be hard to detail what I want to make happen!

    In other words, can set it up to go to Browse, see my main folders listed, then select Agriculture folder and from there (the real part of this question!) see the photos along with a subfolder containing another gallery? I can't figure out how to display the images without having to open the gallery once I'm in the Agriculture folder. Hope that makes some sense.

    I've tried various combinations to test out different options, galleries under page, galleries in folders under the page, galleries and subfolders in folders under the page. I can't seem to get it to show like I'd imagine in my mind.

    The closest I get, is to open the Agriculture folder and see 2 thumbnails ... one for Agriculture gallery, one for Crop Dusting folder ... vs photos and a Crop Dusting sub folder. I guess that will work, just don't want a user to keep clicking vs seeing the photos sooner.

    It's probably as confusing to read as it is to try and put into place on my end!

    And, if I decide to use folders - I run into this issue too ... I used a Website Assets folder (like a demo video) to hold an About page with photo. If I unlist the folder not to show, the About page is unlisted. If I list it, it will show with my others when I go to Browse.

    I seem to be stuck in some organizational rut that's holding me from being done! Probably just confused, I know :)
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited November 27, 2013
    Jay_Z wrote: »
    I guess, I was speaking in terms of what I was intending to see ... not, necessarily what I'm looking at right now! It can be hard to detail what I want to make happen!

    In other words, can set it up to go to Browse, see my main folders listed, then select Agriculture folder and from there (the real part of this question!) see the photos along with a subfolder containing another gallery? I can't figure out how to display the images without having to open the gallery once I'm in the Agriculture folder. Hope that makes some sense.

    I've tried various combinations to test out different options, galleries under page, galleries in folders under the page, galleries and subfolders in folders under the page. I can't seem to get it to show like I'd imagine in my mind.

    The closest I get, is to open the Agriculture folder and see 2 thumbnails ... one for Agriculture gallery, one for Crop Dusting folder ... vs photos and a Crop Dusting sub folder. I guess that will work, just don't want a user to keep clicking vs seeing the photos sooner.

    It's probably as confusing to read as it is to try and put into place on my end!

    And, if I decide to use folders - I run into this issue too ... I used a Website Assets folder (like a demo video) to hold an About page with photo. If I unlist the folder not to show, the About page is unlisted. If I list it, it will show with my others when I go to Browse.

    I seem to be stuck in some organizational rut that's holding me from being done! Probably just confused, I know :)
    Go to the gallery with the photos. make the gallery "Just This Gallery". Add a folder block just under
    the breadcrumb and populate it with the folder you choose.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 5, 2013
    I still have some questions regarding how my folders/galleries display. I just can't get it the way I want it. Perhaps it's best that I go with what I have, then when it is live, it will be easier to work this out?

    In the meantime, I wanted to resove something else. I'm using the Smokey design with a landscape collage of images. Ideally, I would like a random set of images here from my various galleries - although, I don't thing this is an option. If I select particular images, then they aren't random listed, at all - they are bunched into groups from the galleries I chose.

    The other alternative is to set up a gallery with the images I want on the front - but, then I don't have the option to click through to the gallery - they'd go to this cover gallery vs the original/home gallery.

    Is there a good way to randomize the images on the front page? I'd like it to change each time but at least, I'd just like to have them jumbled up between galleries. Not a bunch from one, bunch from another, etc.

    This make sense??
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 5, 2013
    And, secondly ... in my list of customizations I want to make so I can finally launch the new site ... in one of the YouTube videos, they suggested a folder of 'Website Assets' ... I used this, to put my About page. But, now the folder has to be listed - otherwise, I see About (unlisted) in my menu bar if I try to unlist it or this folder is listed with my other folders if I list it. When I go to the actual About page on my site, the breadcrumb is > Website Assets > Site Pages ... I'd just like >About!

    Is there a better way to do this? Or, I should ask, what is a better way!

    1) Bringing somekind of disorder to my images on the homepage as described in my last reply
    2) Website Assets/Site Page to properly show pages/folders like About

    Hope this is clear! I look at a lot of other SmugMug pages, I just don't see how they're set up behind the scenes!

  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 6, 2013
    Better to restart a new thread or to email support on this?
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 7, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    Go to the gallery with the photos. make the gallery "Just This Gallery". Add a folder block just under
    the breadcrumb and populate it with the folder you choose.

    Hey Allen - thought I'd try replying to your message. Could you check out my last question from Dec 5 at 9:20AM PST? Or, is it better to start up a new thread or email support?? Thanks!
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 7, 2013
    Jay_Z wrote: »
    ... in one of the YouTube videos, they suggested a folder of 'Website Assets' ... I used this, to put my About page. But, now the folder has to be listed - otherwise, I see About (unlisted) in my menu bar if I try to unlist it or this folder is listed with my other folders if I list it.
    (unlisted) only shows when you are logged in. The tag will not show to your viewers but your page or gallery will show.

    You can remove the breadcrumb from that page and include "About" as part of the text.

    --- Denise
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 9, 2013
    (unlisted) only shows when you are logged in. The tag will not show to your viewers but your page or gallery will show.

    You can remove the breadcrumb from that page and include "About" as part of the text.

    --- Denise

    Thanks - I'm not real jacked about this site. Doesn't seem to be 'smooth' enough in moving into the galleries & photos. So, I unveiled - but, I'm not sure how to improve it from what I currently set up!
  • AceCo55AceCo55 Registered Users Posts: 950 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    Just a note Jeff. Your header and nav bar take up a significant block of vertical screen space on a laptop (15.6" screen).
    I would say about 40%. That leaves a relatively small space to actually view your folders and photos.
    Considering how much vacant space you have in your header, I would be making some changes to make it take up less vertical space.
    My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
  • Jay_ZJay_Z Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    AceCo55 wrote: »
    Just a note Jeff. Your header and nav bar take up a significant block of vertical screen space on a laptop (15.6" screen).
    I would say about 40%. That leaves a relatively small space to actually view your folders and photos.
    Considering how much vacant space you have in your header, I would be making some changes to make it take up less vertical space.

    Thanks! Great advice. I reduced the margins of the logo, social media icons and the menu bar to 0 (top/bottom) ... I couldn't figure out how to effectively put the social media icons and menu on the same 'rows' and adjust the container width without screwing it up on different sized windows. So, it takes up more room being separated like it is.

    And, I can't adjust the proportions of the pic below 3:1 - unless I do a custom size, but then it's fixed.

    Again, thanks - I've made some adjustments and will try and figure out how to improve this further!
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