Keyword list page vs. keyword results page
I'm trying to show certain content blocks (text and html) on the /keyword page, but hide them when viewing a keyword gallery (ie /keyword/example). Anyone know how this would be done?
In NewSmug did you make the /keyword page "Just this page" then add the blocks?
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and Lamah's comments (#71) and discussion here:
I added some text and a keyword search form (legacy code still works for that) to the top of my keyword page. The text explains how to do a combined keyword search. I don't want the text or search form appearing above the smugmug style keyword gallery. But I haven't figured out how to show it on the page that shows the keyword list, but not on every keyword gallery. I could do it with a custom page for the keyword list instead of using the default page, but eventually visitors will come across the /keyword page. Just trying to simplify and avoid confusion.
Yes, the /keyword page is unique and I added the blocks to just that page.
Customization gurus? Nobody has run into this?
Here are screenshots of what I am talking about: