Can I preserve the subcategory sort order from Old in New?

AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
edited December 21, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
On the old SmugMug, within each category and subcategory I hand sorted the subcats and galleries to be in reverse order of the event date, newest events at the top.

It appears my sort order was not preserved in the migration to the New SmugMug; the order of galleries within a folder and folders within a folder appears to be essentially random. Is there some way to automagically preserve the order of the subcats and galleries from the old in the new? Or do I need to go into each folder and re-sort all the items by hand?

(Sorry if this is a F.A.Q. I found other questions that were close, but not really the same.)


  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    First check in Organizer for the sort. Then every folder page (ex: old cat and sub-cat) click the wrench on the box
    and make sure "use organizer sort" or something like that is set. Any other settings will override the organizer sort.

    Any sort changes on NewSmug should have no affect on legacy I think.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    First check in Organizer for the sort. Then every folder page (ex: old cat and sub-cat) click the wrench on the box
    and make sure "use organizer sort" or something like that is set. Any other settings will override the organizer sort.

    The wrench never un-grays when selecting a folder, only when I select a gallery; the sort order doesn't seem to be under the wrench, anyway. It's a drop-down on the ribbon at the top of the organizer.

    Before asking the question, I inspected a dozen folders in the organizer, and most are set for "sort manually" as expected. However, when I compare the order of the galleries within the subcat in old smugmug, the order of the galleries when viewing in the new smugmug, and the order of the galleries within the organizer, they are all completely different.

    My intuition is that the migration simply didn't work correctly and randomized the order. But I wanted to ask around before jumping to that conclusion.
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    Alameth wrote: »
    I inspected a dozen folders in the organizer, and most are set for "sort manually" as expected. However, when I compare the order of the galleries within the subcat in old smugmug, the order of the galleries when viewing in the new smugmug, and the order of the galleries within the organizer, they are all completely different.

    Sorry, I forgot a detail: if I use the organizer to move some galleries around within a folder, they stick in their new position when I click on "Done." However, the order for those galleries I did not move manually remains completely different within the folder view and the organizer.

    I'm starting to think it's just a bug. Shouldn't the folder view and the organizer view have the galleries in the same order, always?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    You can auto sort in different ways on a folder page in each box. But if you use the Organizer to sort, "use organizer sort"
    has to be set on each box so it doesn't override the Organizer sort.

    The only wrench is on each box on a folder page not in organizer. Sorting in Organizewr is as per your screen shot.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2013

    I don't understand your answer. I'm not able to match your words to what I'm seeing on my browser. Let's back up and try again.

    In the old SmugMug, I had manually sorted most of my subcategories within their categories, and manually sorted my galleries within their subcategories. In the new, they're in a very different order. Is there an automatic way to have the new arranged in the same order as the old?
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    You can auto sort in different ways on a folder page in each box. But if you use the Organizer to sort, "use organizer sort"
    has to be set on each box so it doesn't override the Organizer sort.

    The only wrench is on each box on a folder page not in organizer. Sorting in Organizewr is as per your screen shot.

    Ah ha! Figured out what you meant. The wrench you are referring to is under "Customize Site," yes?

    When I go to "Customize Site" and click on the wrench under "On All Folders," it says "Organizer Sort." When I click on the wrench on the "Galleries" section, however, it says "Sort by date added." I changed that to "Organizer Sort." Ta da! The Organizer and the folder view are now the same. No bug, just a strange UI.

    Alas, it's still a different order from the original.

    Still trying to get my head around why there are three different places to set the order of the galleries in a folder. Two, I can understand; not three.
  • AlamethAlameth Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2013
    Oh, and "sort by date added" seems to actually be "sort by the last time this gallery was modified."
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