Remove sutomizations from selected galleries
I am trying to create a folder with galleries, each one from a different photographer. This is for a critique group that I meet with and we may use this as a vehicle to show our work to a local museum director to consider for an exhibit. I am trying to remove all references to me and to that end, allen was helpful in showing me how to get rid of the sidebar with my header and menu. Now I need help getting rid the information in the footer from appearing in the folder and in each gallery (my name with the contact link under it) but not from the rest of my site! And also, is there a way to get a different right click message to appear only in each of these galleries so instead of saying No usage granted without permission of Cynthia Merzer it can just be a generic don't do this kind of message or default back to the smugmug default.
Also, how do I get keywords not to display in these galleries?
Here is a link to the folder:
Also, how do I get keywords not to display in these galleries?
Here is a link to the folder:
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