Search produces multiple copies of images
I have added keywords and descriptions and headlines and filenames that have, for example, words like "Flatirons" (for the Boulder Flatirons). When I do a site Search using the SmugMug Search, every time a photo has the word Flatirons in it, another copy of that photo ends up in the search results.
Is there a way to have the search results only display one copy of the image? Try searching for Flatirons to see what I mean.
Is there a way to have the search results only display one copy of the image? Try searching for Flatirons to see what I mean.
Your site link is a broken page.
Sorry about that. Just during the last hour I updated my website to my original website name prior to moving to SmugMug.
I checked one set of the duplicates and they have different paths:
This one, you do not have right-click protect turned on, so I see the photo detail:
They appear to be two different photos in two locations, because I see I can "collect" both of them. (So one is not already collected.)
Maybe this will give you enough info on the organization of your site to figure this out.
So - I don't know! is the answer to your original question.
Probably not. Hopefully someone who knows how to read and has an answer will chime in.
Actually you make a very good point and a new clue to the problem. My old website had pages like "" but in my new site, I have added a level of hierarchy. So the new Boulder page is located at ""
For those people with links to my old website, I added a page without the hierarchy so they wouldn't get a bad link.
Now I see this contributes to the multiple search results. I guess one way to fix this is to remove the keywords on the page that doesn't have the hierarchy.
You have helped alot!
Is there something else I need to do to make it so certain galleries and pages do NOT get the SmugMug Search?