Unlisted gallery and menu behavior

In chronological order:
- I added what I thought would be a non-publicly-visible menu block that contained only an unlisted gallery. One little bitty menu block with one link. It was visible when I was logged out, therefore clickable and enterable. So I deleted it.
- On my top navbar menu, I have a Category containing several galleries. One of them is unlisted. It does NOT show up in the public view. I consider this correct behavior.
- I would like to have a link available to me only, that isn't relevant to any of the public categories. First I tried adding the Category to the topnavbar. But even if all the galleries in that category are unlisted, the link to the folder stays visible. Visitors can click that link and go to the folder, but then the galleries are not visible. So I removed the link from the navbar.
- Still trying to set up a link to an unlisted gallery for me only, I added one of the galleries (in the folder where all galleries are unlisted), to the bottom of the submenu of one of my public folders on the navbar. Result? It shows to the public.
So why do these 2 happen:
- unlisted gallery in a category is not visible in the topnavbar submenu where other galleries are public
- unlisted gallery link IS visible when it's added to a sub-menu dropdown list, under a category that is unrelated
And does anyone have a trick for adding a shortcut to an easily accessible place on the homepage, that is visible to you only when you are logged in?
- I added what I thought would be a non-publicly-visible menu block that contained only an unlisted gallery. One little bitty menu block with one link. It was visible when I was logged out, therefore clickable and enterable. So I deleted it.
- On my top navbar menu, I have a Category containing several galleries. One of them is unlisted. It does NOT show up in the public view. I consider this correct behavior.
- I would like to have a link available to me only, that isn't relevant to any of the public categories. First I tried adding the Category to the topnavbar. But even if all the galleries in that category are unlisted, the link to the folder stays visible. Visitors can click that link and go to the folder, but then the galleries are not visible. So I removed the link from the navbar.
- Still trying to set up a link to an unlisted gallery for me only, I added one of the galleries (in the folder where all galleries are unlisted), to the bottom of the submenu of one of my public folders on the navbar. Result? It shows to the public.
So why do these 2 happen:
- unlisted gallery in a category is not visible in the topnavbar submenu where other galleries are public
- unlisted gallery link IS visible when it's added to a sub-menu dropdown list, under a category that is unrelated
And does anyone have a trick for adding a shortcut to an easily accessible place on the homepage, that is visible to you only when you are logged in?
If a folder contains unlisted galleries you can see these when you open the folder when you are logged in to your site but your viewers can't see them even if they open the same folder.
If an unlisted gallery is explicitly linked in a menu then it will show to everyone.
From the help page at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/1229910-new-smugmug-what-are-the-gallery-level-privacy-settings-: --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com