How do I add more icons to the social icons?

I've seen dozens of sites that have many more icons than FB and Twitter.
How do I add them? Example (non-SM site) attached.
How do I add them? Example (non-SM site) attached.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise, I don't see any other than the default Twitter and Facebook.
Wait - the social icons block? That block require URLs. I thought those were supposed to be MY accounts on the respective sites, e.g., Youtube.
Only the Share Buttons block is the share out block, correct?
I see, html...
Thanks. I was kind of afraid of that.
Drag in a social icons block, turn the type of icon on, supply your URL.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I tried leaving the URL field blank but the block doesn't allow that.
Okay I clearly have not understood the structure of this kind of link. I thought by putting my URL in the block, that's what would paste into the social site. From what you just said - am I understanding this - clicking the icon will take one to the social site, but automatically input the URL of my site, including the gallery the visitor is in at the time s/he clicked the icon?
I don't know if there is a track of where the user came from since I don't use these on my site. I would guess that it doesn't track the origin.
Why don't you add one and see what it does?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
It just takes them to the social site. Its not a SHARE link. It just points visitors to your site to your sical media locations online. Thats all.
Thanks, that really nails it. Can I add social SHARE icons? With html? (I would think now, how would the code know to grab the URL of the page one is one?)
The social icons do what they are meant to do - provide an icon that when clicked will link to your presence on the selected social site. I'm not using them because I have menu entries for both my blog and my Google+ id so I don't need the social icons. But my menu entries do what the social icons were meant to do.
If you're looking for the ability for your viewers to share something from your site your options are more limited than with the social icons. I see Facebook, Google+, and Twitter listed. See help page at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at