Problems with LR 5 and editing in external programs

Very weird glitch since upgrading to LR5. It did it once in CS6, but once I rebooted, all was fine. HOWEVER, now it's doing it with Nik programs, and rebooting made no difference. I've googled for clues, but so far haven't found anything (by all means point me to any links you know about or find).
What's happening is that when I go to edit in an external editor, after it's gone through the process of launching the other program and - allegedly - opening the file, there is no display. The histogram looks funky, too.
Screenshot example attached of what I see once it has "launched". I've tried it as both "Edit a copy with lightroom adjustments" and just "edit a copy".
When I tried to launch Nik Silver from Photoshop it DID open the image... but then crashed PS shortly afterwards.
Thoughts? Very annoying, as it robs me of some tools I like to use. :-/
What's happening is that when I go to edit in an external editor, after it's gone through the process of launching the other program and - allegedly - opening the file, there is no display. The histogram looks funky, too.
Screenshot example attached of what I see once it has "launched". I've tried it as both "Edit a copy with lightroom adjustments" and just "edit a copy".
When I tried to launch Nik Silver from Photoshop it DID open the image... but then crashed PS shortly afterwards.
Thoughts? Very annoying, as it robs me of some tools I like to use. :-/
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