Canon Printer Advice
I currently have a pixma pro 9000 Mark II. I am generally happy with the printer and have had it for several years with alost no problems. However, at this point, my husband and I are doing more B&W printing and are considering replacing it for one of the following:
Pixma Pro-100, 10, or 1.
We were at a presentation yesterday at B&H given by a Canon person, and saw some of the idfferences between the printers and got a lot of useful info. And today, there are a number of posssible substantial discounts available, and we are trying to figure out if we need to replae the 9000 Mark II, and, if so, with what.
So there are a number of questions:
Canon demonstrated it's plugin for Lr and PS, Print Studio Pro, and said that it works with all of these printers. Has anyone had experience using it?
Will there be enough of a difference between the output on my 9000 Mark II and the Pro-100--both dye based. We were told there would be, but did not see prints demonstrating the difference.
There appear to be several things to take into account if we decide to go with one of the pigment based models--the 10 or the 1. Aside from price differences and footprints, are we gong to get demonstrably better blacks and other prints from the pro 1 as from the pro 10.. And would there be a significant difference between the output of the pro 100 and the pro 10?
We have looked at this from so many angles and we are tryig to make a reasonable informed decision. We don't replace our printers very often--I had an i900 for years and made thousands of prints with it, and mourned the day I had to replace it. So I know that the canon printers are good. The question is what our next move should be.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Pixma Pro-100, 10, or 1.
We were at a presentation yesterday at B&H given by a Canon person, and saw some of the idfferences between the printers and got a lot of useful info. And today, there are a number of posssible substantial discounts available, and we are trying to figure out if we need to replae the 9000 Mark II, and, if so, with what.
So there are a number of questions:
Canon demonstrated it's plugin for Lr and PS, Print Studio Pro, and said that it works with all of these printers. Has anyone had experience using it?
Will there be enough of a difference between the output on my 9000 Mark II and the Pro-100--both dye based. We were told there would be, but did not see prints demonstrating the difference.
There appear to be several things to take into account if we decide to go with one of the pigment based models--the 10 or the 1. Aside from price differences and footprints, are we gong to get demonstrably better blacks and other prints from the pro 1 as from the pro 10.. And would there be a significant difference between the output of the pro 100 and the pro 10?
We have looked at this from so many angles and we are tryig to make a reasonable informed decision. We don't replace our printers very often--I had an i900 for years and made thousands of prints with it, and mourned the day I had to replace it. So I know that the canon printers are good. The question is what our next move should be.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Fine Photographic Prints & Notecards with Local Color
While no one printer will be the best choice for everyone, and I acknowledge I don't have any experience with the new Pro 100 or Pro 10, why not bite the bullet and get a Canon ipf series large format printer?
The color prints are spectacular and the black and whites are excellent. You will get deep blacks and great gray scale transitions.
The ipf series printers have 12 inks including 2 blacks and 2 grays.
Mine just arived yesterday
Nikon D700 | D300 | D80 | SB-800(x2) | SB-600(x2)
Nikkor Lenses: 14-24 f/2.8 | 24-70 f/2.8 | 50 f/1.8 | 85 f/1.4 | 70-200 f/2.8 VR II | 70-300 VR
I bought a Pro 100 at Christmas time. I've been very pleased with the output. My preference is to do black and white, so needless to say I was very concerned until I had made a few prints. I've been extremely satisfied with the result.
I did have a rep from a large LA-area dealer recently put me down for purchasing a dye based printer, but for me the difference in price and operating cost is enough to warrant this system. I don't sell my photos and don't know many people who could discern the difference, so for me it was a great find. As for permanence, at my age I really don't care if the ink fades in 60 or more years.