background image goes "poof"

I posted on another thread that my background image on one page was not showing up at all - then 5 minutes later it did show up. It turns out what caused it to poof disappear, was re-sizing the browser to even slightly smaller than a normal size. On my monitor even about 12 inches causes it to disappear. 12.3 inches or larger and it reappears and stays.
This behavior occurs on FF28 and Chrome 33.0xxx. On IE8 the image does not appear at all (unlike all my other galleries where the backgrounds do show up but not at the right size). Not sure if this behavior with IE8 is related.
I have checked 15 or so other galleries with unique background images and they all resize perfectly. Even a tiny window size holds on to a small image.
The background image is png, 614 x 772 px (but I have other images comparable to that size and they don't have problems).
Are there image specifications I don't know about that are required so this doesn't happen?
What should I do to have the image not go poof?
This behavior occurs on FF28 and Chrome 33.0xxx. On IE8 the image does not appear at all (unlike all my other galleries where the backgrounds do show up but not at the right size). Not sure if this behavior with IE8 is related.
I have checked 15 or so other galleries with unique background images and they all resize perfectly. Even a tiny window size holds on to a small image.
The background image is png, 614 x 772 px (but I have other images comparable to that size and they don't have problems).
Are there image specifications I don't know about that are required so this doesn't happen?
What should I do to have the image not go poof?
Check all your @media CSS entries especially in your theme.
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Ah, Allen, you are far beyond me. The site-wide CSS? I haven't touched it for months and if there are @media terms there, someone gave them to me. I would not know what to check. :cry
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px){....
Is that about the size the backgrounds are disappearing?
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This is probably the culprit part:
In the site-wide CSS, I'm unclear what the @media codes are for, I assumed to help users of small devices be able to view pages correctly. On my iphone, they do work right.
Maybe Nicholas could check in here and help me to figure out what code I need that will do what it needs to do for the sitemap but not affect the background image...
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Where does the } go?
Adding it as so did not fix the problem:
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Completely forgot I had 2 sitemaps.
Thank you both, Allen and Nicholas.