Aweber Form Issues
Hi DGrin Users,
I'm new to both Digital Grin and Smugmug, but I'm glad to be a part of the community.
Before starting this thread I searched for "aweber" but that yielded no results relevant to my current problem. I'm hoping someone with some HTML knowledge can help me out.
I already have an Aweber subscription package so I opted to use that service to create a form for my website newsletter. My site can be found here:
After creating the form and the relevant pages on my website, I copied and pasted the HTML code into an HTML block on my homepage. The form appeared, but so did every line of code! (I've attached a screenshot)
Can anyone help me figure out how to display the form without the code? Or is this even possible? Aweber offers a Javascript option, but this won't work in the HMTL or CSS content blocks.
Thanks in advance.
I'm new to both Digital Grin and Smugmug, but I'm glad to be a part of the community.
Before starting this thread I searched for "aweber" but that yielded no results relevant to my current problem. I'm hoping someone with some HTML knowledge can help me out.
I already have an Aweber subscription package so I opted to use that service to create a form for my website newsletter. My site can be found here:
After creating the form and the relevant pages on my website, I copied and pasted the HTML code into an HTML block on my homepage. The form appeared, but so did every line of code! (I've attached a screenshot)
Can anyone help me figure out how to display the form without the code? Or is this even possible? Aweber offers a Javascript option, but this won't work in the HMTL or CSS content blocks.
Thanks in advance.
Dominican landscape and nature photography -
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I just tried posting the same code into a CSS block. This time neither code nor the form appear after I've clicked OK. What does appear are the words "CSS placeholder".
EDIT: Also, Aweber says "Raw HTML version", that's why I used the HTML block. But I'm not a web design professional, so I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Images in the Backcountry
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That part in bold is Javascript, and the new SM doesn't support that. Unfortunately, you will have to find another solution.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Just to update you, I was able to find a workaround using an amended version of the code from Aweber. I basically stripped down the code of all non-essentials (or at least what appeared to be non-essential to me, a novice).
The form seems to work, so I'm happy.
Thanks again Mike.
I should have thought about that. Putting the HTML section on a HTML block, and the CSS stuff in the CSS section of the HTML/CSS block, and removed the Javascript and "just see if it works".
Glad it worked though! Do you have a link to the form so I can see it?
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Haha. I stumbled upon that solution by accident.
I do have a link. For now the form appears on my homepage - I haven't tested for browsers, mobile, etc. yet though. Let me know how it goes.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Yup! It does... I just tried it myself.