Custom message on Unlock Gallery screen?

I'd bee adding custom messaging to customers regarding passwords in the "hint" section, but never looked to see how that's displayed.
Well, I found that the Hint is not readily visible, and is under a hover-over.
The gallery description doesn't appear on the Unlock Gallery page, does it? Any other suggestions on how to better communicate on that page?
Well, I found that the Hint is not readily visible, and is under a hover-over.
The gallery description doesn't appear on the Unlock Gallery page, does it? Any other suggestions on how to better communicate on that page?
Support Hero and Customeister
Even if all I could do was make the password hint visible always, instead of just on hover, that'd be great. Would that be possible?
(Now off to research this "node id" you speak of...)
You can't make the hint visible at all times because SmugMug is doing some nifty javascript code to make it pop-up. It doesn't exist without the javascript. If it was a simple CSS trick we could over-ride it but since it's javascript, we can't.
One thing you could do is to Customize Each gallery so they're special, and then plop in a CSS Content Block with the following. It will add some text above the "Password" text. You could use this instead of the "Hint" thing ... or with it
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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