Thumbnail pagination font color
Hi everyone, I have been working hard to get my site ready for migration to the new SmugMug and I think I'm almost done - phew! There are just a couple of things I need to resolve and I was hoping you might be able to help. To keep things simple I will post them in different threads.
Can I change the font color for the thumbnail pagination in SmugMug-style galleries? I've found CSS to move it up or down and to turn it on/off but my attempts to change it's color have so far failed.
The code I am using to move it up is (credit):
I would appreciate any guidance you could provide.
My website is although it's still in legacy mode.
Can I change the font color for the thumbnail pagination in SmugMug-style galleries? I've found CSS to move it up or down and to turn it on/off but my attempts to change it's color have so far failed.
The code I am using to move it up is (credit):
/* Move the thumbnail pagination drop-down menu slightly up */
.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination {
margin-top: -10px;
.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination {
margin-top: -10px;
I would appreciate any guidance you could provide.
My website is although it's still in legacy mode.
.sm-gallery-tiles-pagination .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination-total,
.sm-gallery-tiles-pagination .sm-form-field-select {color:red !important}
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Allen is so quick on the reply!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks Allen, that has done the trick.
Do you also know how to change the background color of the thumbnail pagination drop down please?
.sm-gallery-tiles-pagination .sm-form-field-select-option {background:red !important}
My Website index | My Blog
Hi Allen, thanks for taking the time to post that for me - it works well.