CSS code for hide/show
I would like to play around with hidden photos in my galleries, but can't figure out what the specific code is to show/hide photos in a gallery, and the specific code that designates if a photo is shown or hidden on a gallery page?
My Website index | My Blog
I'd like to just see the photos that are shown on MY galleries, when I'm logged in. Then, I'd like to see them ALL in the Organize view.
That's how it worked for Phanfare, so I'm a little befuddled since I've just switched to Smugmug (which I love for its customization features!) Thanks!
.sm-tile-archive .sm-tile-status, .sm-tile-favorite .sm-tile-status, .sm-tile-hidden .sm-tile-status {
background-color: white!important;
The spot for the photo and thumbnail will still show, but it will be covered by a white box. You could adjust the color to match your background or find some other CSS to pretty it up, but this will at least fully hide the photo in the gallery. I'm doubting there's a way to fully remove hidden photos from the gallery since the CSS just covers them with an overlay.
Thanks for the suggestion. Hmmm... That's pretty unsightly. There's not a "display:none" sort of option - isn't there some sort of code designation given to a photo so that it doesn't show in public that I could just extended to when I'm logged in?
That's all happening behind the scenes, not through CSS. I don't think you can do what you want, but I'm no CSS expert. I'm sure instead of just covering hidden images with an ugly white box, you could at least cover them with a different image. Or some other better looking solution. But I can only think of doing something in CSS that targets the overlay that sits on hidden images.
OK, Thank you for your thoughts - it's such a frustrating thing that it's not a setting choice or something that can be customized. (e.g. "Include hidden photos in Gallery View." Checkbox)
I used Eye Fi cards for many many years so it would automatically upload all the photos, so I would then just go back and mark the ones I wanted hidden. That carried over when I transitioned to Smugmug (thankfully!) but now it creates a bummer of a an experience when viewing the albums. In Phanfare, the albums were just as you'd see them in the public - private/hidden photos were seen in the "admin" library view (essentially the "Organize" screen before you hit "Done")
Well, thank you anyway - if anyone else has any ideas, I'm open tot them.