Easy vignetting in Post?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this at...
What path are you guys using to create a quality vignette in post?
I've tried brushes, lens correction, smart layer correction with black brush and so forth, but I am looking for a quicker / easier way.
thank you
What path are you guys using to create a quality vignette in post?
I've tried brushes, lens correction, smart layer correction with black brush and so forth, but I am looking for a quicker / easier way.
thank you
1. Use a freehand selection tool to draw the overall shape of the vignette.
2. Create a new curve layer with the selection. It will appear as a mask on that layer.
3. Select the mask and invert it.
4. Apply a Gaussian blur to the mask with a big radius (>100 pixels). The larger the radius, the more gradual the vignette effect will be.
5. Now select the curve itself and lighten or darken the vignette to taste.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
or >ACR > effects (the fx button)
they both do the same as the vignette slider in LR
+1, it's really a great tool, non destructive and can be quite subtle if you want that kind of effect.
IF you have to do this in Photoshop, (shameless plug), PhotoKit II can do this with a click and place the effect on a layer for further adjustments. http://www.pixelgenius.com/photokit2/index.html
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I used to play with DFX software, but it kept on crashing my PS
Where is the flag in lens correction to not apply distortion? can't seem to find it.
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in menu
Filter > lens correction
on the right pane , choose custom tab , about halfway in the list you see the 2 dialers you want
in ACR , its in FX tab ( effects) there you find 5 dialers for the purpose , which is equal to LR
It seems that the feature applies the distortion as well as vignette.
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auto mode does , custom mode not
if you do see changes , check the dropdown menu on top to see if its set to default ( not previous ; all settings at zero )
dont know about what version you have
in CCversion you can also access ACR via menu > filter
in earlier versions only via Bridge
the quickest way I have found that still gives me lots of control is to use Light Rooms stock vignetting. its worked well for me.
new blank layer
drag out the vignette w/ a selection tool like ellipse, adjust as needed
invert the selection
modify the selection/feather to something like 150-200 px
fill w/ black & adjust opacity
Julieanne Kost has a video about the Radial Filter here - http://adobe.ly/1bDULcr
Here is another one about the Radial Filter too. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghJMJoVkVew
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin