Homepage Slideshow Issue

Hi there,
I have 3:1 slideshow setup at homepage and left and right margin both are having -1px and width at 100%. I don't like scroll-bar in home page under no circumstances.
When I set left and right margin at 0px, I get scroll bar too.
I think this is bug, image does not follow 100% rule and tends to beyond the box size. I have tested with Smugmug layout too.
Please help.
I have 3:1 slideshow setup at homepage and left and right margin both are having -1px and width at 100%. I don't like scroll-bar in home page under no circumstances.
When I set left and right margin at 0px, I get scroll bar too.
I think this is bug, image does not follow 100% rule and tends to beyond the box size. I have tested with Smugmug layout too.
Please help.
Support Hero and Customeister
Hi Eric,
I have tried both ways, what I dont like is the horizontal scroll bar. -1px on both sides is my preferred setting. in that case there is no gap and slideshow looks very good. Even I dont mind 0px on both sides, but 3:1 setting horizontal scroll bar is killing me in this case too.
Could you please help me on that? Appreciate you if can suggest any CSS code for that or any other trick.
sudarshan mondal
website | blog | facebook | flickr| 500px | instagram
Support Hero and Customeister
Eric, I have reset the slideshow box on both side as 0px. Now, horizontal scroll bar is even bigger. I already told you even if I set both the margin as 0px - it is not working.
Please help me to fix it. IT IS A BUG IN SMUGMUG DESIGN.
On homepage horizontal scroll-bar is not acceptable.
Sometimes, it horizontal scroll abr not coming when logged in as admin, but public view is having h-scroll bar.
sudarshan mondal
website | blog | facebook | flickr| 500px | instagram