Select multiple folders, galleries and pages trouble
I added a box to a page to contain multiple Folders, Galleries and Pages. I started with a few items in it. Worked well and I wanted to add some more.
It seems I have to reselect all items each time I want to add an item, is that true? :wow
Very little user-friendly if that is the fact.
Could it be better to add one box for each item to get around this trouble?
I added a box to a page to contain multiple Folders, Galleries and Pages. I started with a few items in it. Worked well and I wanted to add some more.
It seems I have to reselect all items each time I want to add an item, is that true? :wow
Very little user-friendly if that is the fact.
Could it be better to add one box for each item to get around this trouble?
You might want to add a comment in the feature request Improved 'Items I Choose' interface.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
start re-choosing anywhere but have to remove current items from that point forward. I first open
page in another tab so I can see what is there now to help me remember what to re-choose as I
re-order everything.
My Website index | My Blog
Denise, I finally found your site and your dropdowns from galleries to nested galleries is exactly what I am trying to do. Now if I click on my galleries nav button it opens all my galleries as does yours. I want to add additional dropdowns to any one gallery -again, exactly like yours and the adding folders is messing my site and my brain. I've tried it and it works except it cannot find the pages.
Port Credit. Canada
My "gallery" page is a page that contains folders. The only content element on that page is a "Folders" element where I chose the folders to include. Clicking on a folder takes the viewer to a page that contains an empty Folders element and a Galleries element showing the list of galleries (or in the case of the top-level Travel folder, a page of folders). I didn't do anything special there.
Based on your question I'm wondering if you are having problems with the structure of folders and galleries. Galleries only contain photos - they do not contain galleries. Pages can contain galleries, and folders can contain galleries.
For an example on my site, click the "gallery" navbar entry. Then click the "Travel" entry. Travel is a folder that contains folders and galleries (although there are no galleries at the top level). Click on an entry and it will open the folder containing galleries.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks so much for your quick response. I misspoke. If I click on my Galleries nav it opens to a page of galleries exactly like yours does. If I click on any of those galleries it opens that specific gallery. I need to make it like yours, for example on 'Travel stories'. The viewer can then choose from two other galleries. I don't know the smug terms or how to connect which is first, a page then a folder, then perhaps another folder, etc and then how to link them all under 'Galleries'
I'm sure my terms are all incorrect and it seems I need a step by step thingy.If someone would make a video how-to it would be priceless.
Port Credit. Canada
Port Credit. Canada