Removing default SM grey background from transparent images

On most of my site which is set to SM gallery style, I don't see the default grey SM background on transparent images. (I think the code for that is in the main CSS.)
On this gallery, which is set to collage landscape, how do I remove it?
On this gallery, which is set to collage landscape, how do I remove it?
Try to use .GIF , for i know that will keep transparency and is supported by SmugMug
PNG may work too, but it must be saved with the transparency-info in it
Thanks. I was right in the middle of fixing the bg image, which is now png with transparency, and the problem grey remains. I *think* I have to hide it with CSS, but I don't know for sure.
I wonder why it's working in one but not the other gallery style...
Has anyone got the logic of how to control for image sizes in either collage portrait or landscape portrait?
I thought landscape would allow me to maximize image size, but instead I got lots of tiny sizes (rows varying).
On portrait, which I'm using now, the spacing is set to 12 px, which - and I love this - has put one image per row, maximizing size, much larger than landscape does. (And I have the photo size set to 2x on portrait, and I think 3x was the option on landscape, but portrait still far exceeds landscape.)
When I tweaked portrait to 36 px spacing, the whole thing collapsed and I got 3-4 images on one row, all very small.
The page is set to stretchy with body width auto-px.
While I'm asking, is there a way to tell what gallery style one has set a custom gallery to?
I don't see any indicator such as changed color or highlight when I click the settings for gallery style, on either the main block on the page or, in published mode, at the top list of styles.
Edit: gallery in question:
Yet when I click into lightbox mode, I see original size is an option.
I am logged out when I see this.
This is not right - right?
I'll bet I know why - some of the images are collected, and they are pulling the image size from the original gallery. Is that normal/fixable, to limit the size when collected to a gallery?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at