Getting rid of copyright notice in browse view.
Hi all!
I talked with SmugMug support, and they suggested I come here to inquire about some CSS customization that might help with an issue we're having with our SmugMug site. In the browse view, which shows thumbs and titles of all our galleries, we would like for someone to be able to right-click on a given thumbnail to copy the link address or whatnot, but it currently shows a copyright notice instead and doesn't allow for that. Is there a way we can eliminate this behavior using CSS or some other technique? Thank you so much for your time and help!
I talked with SmugMug support, and they suggested I come here to inquire about some CSS customization that might help with an issue we're having with our SmugMug site. In the browse view, which shows thumbs and titles of all our galleries, we would like for someone to be able to right-click on a given thumbnail to copy the link address or whatnot, but it currently shows a copyright notice instead and doesn't allow for that. Is there a way we can eliminate this behavior using CSS or some other technique? Thank you so much for your time and help!
Please add your comments to that bug report thread - you're not alone in wanting this removed.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
That's quite unfortunate! I'll add my comments to the thread. Thank you for taking the time to respond!