Avoid line break on content block
On my browse page I have two content blocks with only a few gallery items on each. They are set to 100 % width. I have chosen collage landscape on the content blocks, with variable photo height for the most flexible size. Usually they nicely fill the page width, but at some browser sizes the last item jumps to a new line, which I don’t think look so nice. Is it possible to force the content blocks to adjust the size so they always fill exactly one line?
I did succeed in forcing one image per line but had to do so using collage portrait.
Related content: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1961107&postcount=6
I had to leave the image spacing at 12px. If I increased it, the number of photos/line increased to 2-3.
The sample gallery: http://www.joinrats.com/Ratart/n-r4shp/
I don't know what the logic or math is to control the number of images per line.