Change the Text of the Shopping Cart's "Back" Button

Something I noticed today while watching the new "How to Buy Photos" video....
By default, the shopping cart tells you to go "Back" but what does "Back" mean? Does it mean you go back to your gallery? Does it mean that you cancel and lose the items in your shopping cart? "Back" is a confusing term. Really they mean "Return to Gallery" or "Continue Shopping". The items in your cart remain in your cart when you click back.
If you would like to change the Back button text, use the following CSS code:
Change the text in blue as you desire.
More details here:
By default, the shopping cart tells you to go "Back" but what does "Back" mean? Does it mean you go back to your gallery? Does it mean that you cancel and lose the items in your shopping cart? "Back" is a confusing term. Really they mean "Return to Gallery" or "Continue Shopping". The items in your cart remain in your cart when you click back.
If you would like to change the Back button text, use the following CSS code:
/* Customize the "Back" (return to gallery) button in the shopping cart */ /* Hide the "Back" text */ #itemsPanel #cartContinue .sm-button-label { display: none !important; } /* Add custom "Return to Gallery" text */ #itemsPanel { content: '[COLOR="Blue"]Continue Shopping[/COLOR]'; } /* Fix the < and > buttons at the bottom of the shopping cart so they line up properly #itemsPanel .sm-fonticon-AngleBracketLeftSlim:before, #itemsPanel .sm-fonticon-AngleBracketRightSlim:before { top: 3px !important; position: relative !important; }
Change the text in blue as you desire.
More details here:

dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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You can have things in your cart with no quantity?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
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Yep, as you'd expect. I'm still hoping there's a complete shopping cart redesign. This thing is a mess and is a reason why I've lost a number of orders in the past
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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