Halictid Bee (I think) and other bugs from the garden.
Sweat Bee? It was quite a bit larger than the normal sweat bees we get in our garden. Think it's from the Halictidae family. Has a little white "nose".

Bit soft on the eyes but this one is definitely a sweat bee - it was on the potentilla which is the give away

Plant Bug?

Gnat or similar?

Bit soft on the eyes but this one is definitely a sweat bee - it was on the potentilla which is the give away

Plant Bug?

Gnat or similar?

moderator - Holy Macro
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Not certain what species your sweat bees are but the first 3 are all males (long antennae and no brush on the hind leg).
Brian V.
I need to have a scout around the Internet for an ID on the first shots. It was also on the sedum. I noticed it would fly away over the gardens but it always seemed to come back. I'm sure it's the same one as it's the only one I've ever seen and had there been others, something tells me I'd have had more than one on the Sedum
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