A couple of small sweat bees (I think)

I haven't been doing many bugs for a while, but for the last couple of days, I have taken breaks from work to scout around our garden. A lot of bees of various types, and a smattering of wasps, but not much else. These are two sweat bees, I think. The first is on an asclepius; for scale, the flowers are 4-5 mm across when open. The second was burrowed into a morning glory. It was really tiny--I think probably around 1 mm wide and maybe 4mm long. I had a 20mm tube on when I found it, so I took a few and then ran in for a longer tube, but she vanished in the meantime. So the second is about a 40% crop. I think the spots are pollen, not flare; you can see the ragged edges of the few that are near the plane of focus.
Both single shots, 50D, 100mm macro plus tubes, 1/125, f/13
C&C welcome, as always.

Both single shots, 50D, 100mm macro plus tubes, 1/125, f/13
C&C welcome, as always.

Second one feels like a bee fell in my omelette! batter:D
Brian v.