Menu: Make long page names wrap to multiple lines (not wrapping the whole menu)
I have this menu:
Password = dgrinpass
(note, if re-posting links, please use tinyurl or similar)
I'm trying to make the "How to" page name wrap to multiple lines. Reducing the width of the entire menu makes the menu still 1 long line, wrapping the last couple of links to the next page. But, I just want to make the long page name wrap to 2 lines, while keeping the entire menu and the rest of the pages centered both vertically and horizontally.
Password = dgrinpass
(note, if re-posting links, please use tinyurl or similar)
I'm trying to make the "How to" page name wrap to multiple lines. Reducing the width of the entire menu makes the menu still 1 long line, wrapping the last couple of links to the next page. But, I just want to make the long page name wrap to 2 lines, while keeping the entire menu and the rest of the pages centered both vertically and horizontally.
I do not think this would be possible using CSS. The only option that I can think of is to create your menu completely using HTML and CSS code.
This is not the best solution - because every link in your navigation will have to be coded manually. But this is something to consider.
.sm-page-widget-7335931 .sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
width: 130px;
padding:0px 15px 0px 0px !important;
padding: 0px 13px 0px 2px !important;
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I think this'll work! It seems all menus are now "bottom centered", how can I get them all (including the menu spacer), to be "middle centered"?
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One issue though, the pipes/vertical lines/separates between the page titles in the top menu navigation are based on each "cells" height, meaning the page with 3 lines makes the pipe separator to it's immediate right 3 lines long, while others are only 1 or 2 lines long. I tried messing with height: 75px;, but all un-does the vertical align. There must be a way to make all the pipe separator lines the same height?
Unfortunately no -- the border height is based on the height of the element, which in this case is the <LI>. If you set the height to a given value, as you mentioned, you lose the vertical alignment due to the crappy way in which css sets vertical alignment. All the "tricks" for aligning things vertically fail because the element that defines the text (the <LI>) is also the same that defines the border.
The only solution that would work would be to use an image as your right-border. You could create a 20px (or whatever size) line, upload it to your SmugMug page, then use the border-image to link to that as the border.
Sorry it's not easy
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Would using an image have any negative SEO implications?
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I made a 1px by 32px grey image in PS, and as suggested uploaded it to a gallery. Here is what I ended up with for others reading this post:
Glad what I suggested ended up working. I meant to reply back to you about first-child. You can also use "nth-of-element(x)" to target a specific element (for example, the 3rd <li> in a list). Thanks Allen for responding while I didn't!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: