New website > looking for help on slideshow
I have added a slide show on my homepage. I am a little frustrated by not being able to resize the sideshow. I tried using the background slide show, but it is too big and cuts off the tops or bottoms of my slides. I now am using the slide show in content, but I find it too small and I don't know what CSS code to use to make it larger. Any suggestions?
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, Josh. Appreciate the help, although I'm not certain it makes a big difference. Anyway, I'll leave it on stretchy. Is there any way to go beyond the 960 pixels in the content slideshow?
How about forcing background slideshow to make the slides smaller. I saw where there is CSS code to anchor the bottom (think it was Sherlock) or the top of the slide, but I would like to simply reduce the entire size of the slide.
Bonita Photos
Capturing the beauty around us
I just looked at the site on other browsers and it looks pretty good. Your suggestion does make a difference.
Many thanks.
Bonita Photos
Capturing the beauty around us