Tethering software for older cameras?
I'm searching for working tethering software for my Mac 10.8.5 and for either my Nikon D100 or (preferable) a Canon Rebel 300. If possible, shareware or low cost.
I had been tethering nicely with the Canon using EOS Utility, that is, until I upgraded the OS from Leopard to Mountain Lion. Now, the software won't recognize the camera when everything is plugged in (in the correct order). Jeez. We're all just sluts having to keep up with OSs, let alone firmware adoptions, additions and addendums. What's a whore to do?
Any ideas? Thoughts? Websites?
I had been tethering nicely with the Canon using EOS Utility, that is, until I upgraded the OS from Leopard to Mountain Lion. Now, the software won't recognize the camera when everything is plugged in (in the correct order). Jeez. We're all just sluts having to keep up with OSs, let alone firmware adoptions, additions and addendums. What's a whore to do?
Any ideas? Thoughts? Websites?
Thanks, Ian, for the thoughts. I do, indeed, have Lightroom, and it recognizes the Canon. But I cannot adjust the aperture, ISO, etc. The shutter button is live, but nothing happens when I click it.
I also have the latest EOS utility, version 2.14. I cannot activate the 'Camera settings/Remote shooting' option, which worked beautifully before when I used it with a previous Mac OS (Leopard).
Any other thoughts? I'm at my wit's end.
It's not. The most recent is version 2.0.
Looks like LR 3 doesn't support tethering the 300D so you'll need to go with the EOS utility.
http://www.darktable.org/usermanual/ch04.html.php (Tethering chapter of manual)
While neither of your cameras was not tested, they're both supported by the library (libgphoto) that darktable uses: http://gphoto.sourceforge.net/proj/libgphoto2/support.php