Facebook! please help.
Hi Everyone,
I have been here reading for a bit, but never posted. So please go easy on me if this has already been answered. I have searched but not found exactly what I am looking for.
I am looking to integrate facebook into my site. I will let you know my process and please let me know if I am doing something wrong, need to add a step etc.
1. Upload gallery to smugmug from lightroom.
2. Share the gallery to facebook (this copies all the files to facebook. I kinda hate this option)
3. Friends comment / like the photos (on facebook)
4. I see nothing back regarding likes / comments on smugmug.
I would like to change #4. I would prefer if the comments / likes were viewable on smugmug. I have linked my facebook account, but since I am copying (sharing) to facebook, I think all the info is stored with the images on facebook.
1. Can I link the 2 comments together? so if someone posts to facebook that its viewable on smugmug?
2. how can I display how many likes a gallery or photo has gotten on facebook?
3. Should I be sharing my photos in a different way?
4. Is there a difference between posting to a fan page or to your personal account? (options that are available to you in FB linking etc)
I just want to thank anyone that responds in advance. I really appreaciate it.
I have been here reading for a bit, but never posted. So please go easy on me if this has already been answered. I have searched but not found exactly what I am looking for.
I am looking to integrate facebook into my site. I will let you know my process and please let me know if I am doing something wrong, need to add a step etc.
1. Upload gallery to smugmug from lightroom.
2. Share the gallery to facebook (this copies all the files to facebook. I kinda hate this option)
3. Friends comment / like the photos (on facebook)
4. I see nothing back regarding likes / comments on smugmug.
I would like to change #4. I would prefer if the comments / likes were viewable on smugmug. I have linked my facebook account, but since I am copying (sharing) to facebook, I think all the info is stored with the images on facebook.
1. Can I link the 2 comments together? so if someone posts to facebook that its viewable on smugmug?
2. how can I display how many likes a gallery or photo has gotten on facebook?
3. Should I be sharing my photos in a different way?
4. Is there a difference between posting to a fan page or to your personal account? (options that are available to you in FB linking etc)
I just want to thank anyone that responds in advance. I really appreaciate it.
SmugMug Support Hero
If you use the "publish to Facebook" feature, the photos are uploaded to a Facebook album. Any comments and likes done on Facebook, will not show on SmugMug. So any likes or comments done on Facebook would remain on Facebook. It's not possible to copy that data to SmugMug.
Of course, if you choose to include a link back to your SmugMug gallery, people would be able to follow that link to your SmugMug gallery where they could view all the photos you have in the gallery on SmugMug.
Instead of publishing photos to Facebook, you could just share the link to your gallery on SmugMug on Facebook. You can do that via the share button below a photo > Facebook option. By sharing the link, there would be a post on your timeline and clicking on that, Facebook users would be directed to the gallery on your SmugMug. There, they could leave comments on your photos which would be part of SmugMug.
You can also add a Facebook, Twitter and Google+ share button to your site. Just go to the customize > customize site screen and look for the content tab > social section > share buttons content block. If you add that to your "entire site" or "all galleries" section, it would allow visitors to easily share / like the specific page they're viewing on Facebook. For more details on content blocks and how to use them, take a look here.
In case you have further questions, can you also include a link to your site / the specific page you're referring to?
SmugMug Support Hero
Hello everybody.
Our smug mug is brilliant...well we think so anyway
I've looked through all the help and i just don't get it
Any experts able to help us please?
Just Lovely Images.
Is the gallery in which she's liking the photos set to be password protected? Can you give us a link to the gallery please?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations