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Hello. I am tired of my web and trying to shake some things around. I was hoping to have my photo as a background and then three featured gallery images (linked to galleries) on the left side. I tried playing with the sierra design (because I like my links on top),but cannot figure out how to move featured galleries from center to left. Help please! Attaching image.
SmugMug Support Hero
Is that what you were wanting? If so what I did is move the photo content block over by placing an empty content block to the right of it. It made the galleries show up on the left side. I also made sure to change the layout to vertical in the content block settings to make them show in a column. I did not save the changes yet so please let me know if that would work before I hit save or cancel.
SmugMug Support Hero
I have a question for you though. Where do you want your viewers to look? With the background you are planning to use my eyes are drawn to the people in the background and not to the gallery images. In my mind using a background image works if it isn't overlaid with other photos. As soon as a site starts confusing my eyes with images on top of images I usually close the site. I know, I know, that's me and not everyone. Just a thought...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Your new idea so much cleaner and less distracting. I love it. I looks so much more polished that way.
SmugMug Support Hero
One thing you might want to do is to remove the smugmug pro header.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Some bubbles are meant to be popped.