Bug odds and sods 16-10

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden.
Brian V.
Moth fly front and rear- merged shot

Mating biting midges, Ceratopogonidae, both about 2.4mm body length

A superior plant hopper

Fly testing the water- natural light

Marmalade hoverfly

Baby jumping plant lice (Psocids)

A dew covered springtail - Entomobrya intermedia
Brian V.
Moth fly front and rear- merged shot

Mating biting midges, Ceratopogonidae, both about 2.4mm body length

A superior plant hopper

Fly testing the water- natural light

Marmalade hoverfly

Baby jumping plant lice (Psocids)

A dew covered springtail - Entomobrya intermedia

I'm disappointed to see no diffraction images in the Entomobrya one.
Brian V.