Latex dress

One of the shots from a Latex shoot.... I have tried to avoid the negative impression that the word "latex " has in terms of photography.

A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
For me, I agree with Sam that the plant is distracting. A simpler image without the plant would suit me.
I like the model looking into less negative space in this instance.
As always, well done!
I envy the lighting.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
The model looks doll-like with some Japanese overtones. This seems to be deliberate. OK. What else?
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Consider the following Renoir:
(This alone makes it worthwhile living in Chicago!)
The painting is perfectly balanced, like the photo in question. But -- the proximity and shapes of the head and the flowers create an almost symbiotic relationship. This is not mere juxtaposition, the flowers are not a prop -- to me they reflect the thoughts of the woman, they are the bright content of her head! And her expression merely confirms that. Without the flowers I would have hard time fixing her thoughts.
Now, the photo above has the beginnings of this idea. And if the author had this concept in mind, this could turn out a very interesting discussion.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
First goal was to place Latex out of the sex sphere.
Second goal was to create something different, something that is against most standard rules
Third set a feel for what is today a common problem with cell phones , everywhere and always... the take is here:
A person shows up for a party/meeting, completely distracted with a Cell phone conversation, even at the table, in the room. ( we all know how those people can spoil a get together, by constant texting and calling). To play that mind set , I provided a real old telephone, yet no wall socket , the model is absent in the picture and focused on the conversation... The old phone reflects a cell phone, hence no cord. The model could care less about the set and the surroundings and even placed the plant on the ground , so that she could sit on the stand. The checkered floor emphasis the black and white contrast of those that want to communicate face to face and those on cyberspace. Hence the Latex dress (cyber) .
We have all been part of a party or gathering, where guests stand in corners, sit on odd things to text with their cell phone, ignoring the group they are in....
That is the take on this picture....
Got it. OK, I was on entirely wrong track. But now that I know what you were aiming at, I must confess that I do not get this from the photo. Perhaps, a title like "oblivious," or "internal conversation," or "secrets" would be closer to your intent. "Latex dress" emphasizes the latex dress, not takes away the attention from it! So this is a touch self-defeating.
While trying to portray the sense of isolation in the crowd, one needs the crowd, or at least a hint of the crowd. Yet the photo speaks of desolation as opposed to isolation. There's absolutely nothing antisocial in her being on a dead phone since there's no one around. Additionally, the symbolism of the lone tree loses its meaning. Her doll-like look also loses its place, because to fulfill your concept she might as well be wearing jeans and let her hair down.
So what am I saying here? The strong points of the photo: the look, the dress, and the tree -- are not serving the intended purpose, and thus they are left in the void. What can be done with it? Perhaps, your idea can find fruition in a different setting, but here I'd try to develop this into a character portrait, just as seen in the Renoir. The tree much closer to her that mimics her posture (whether bending with her or away from her). Since she looks plasticky (a good point!) maybe this should be a plastic tree? This would not offer your commentary, but it might offer a comment on the unreality of modern existence.
Be my guest: Alex Braverman Photography
Regards Steve
Ducking and hiding................
My only nit? The angle of the table and how she's sitting on it make it look like it might be going further in her butt than you intended lol.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Hahaha, Sam.....models
And you know what ? Those youngsters have no idea what a rotary dial is..... they often just push in the holes....
Hahaha, maybe it did.... TXS