Bug odds and sods 18-10

Another recent collection of bug shots from the garden. All 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash. Most of them focus stacked using zerene.
Brian V.
Female mossie

Small orbweb spider Araniella sp.

Ichneumon wasp ID'd as Heterischnus cf. truncator

Soldier fly Sargus bipunctatus

Muscid fly - think it's Musca domestica

Dung fly

Dronefly hoverfly
Brian V.
Female mossie

Small orbweb spider Araniella sp.

Ichneumon wasp ID'd as Heterischnus cf. truncator

Soldier fly Sargus bipunctatus

Muscid fly - think it's Musca domestica

Dung fly

Dronefly hoverfly

moderator - Holy Macro
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Brian V.