Dis de Los Muertos - Dos
From my second Day of the Dead shoot, this time with Amanda, Ann Marie and Kirstyn.

2. Amanda

Ann Marie







10. and an oxymoron to end the set.

2. Amanda

Ann Marie







10. and an oxymoron to end the set.

Bilsen (the artist formerly known as John Galt NY)
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
I guess I can play with vignettes and gradients in CS6 but I'd probably have to do the shoot indoors to attain what you're discussing.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
It is possible, use flash to over power ambient. It can be done anytime.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
Yep! There was a workshop on Creative Live just a couple days ago that did just that. They are rebroadcasting it for the next couple of days if you want to catch some of it.
Just set your camera to kill the ambient light (to your liking) then add a flash or two.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
Unfortunately, these six do. Damn my luck.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
These are really interesting images and can go in so many directions.
here is an example of a different direction. If you object, I will absolutely remove it.
I have two more shoots to process and then I'll go back and play with these two.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
The one I really like is 5, since it brings out the faces so much better, more so since the surroundings are not busy at all. It drives the eyes to the faces.
In my view (the familiar disagreement here) I wanted the abandoned insane asylum where we shot to be part of the story. On the headshots I did use a thin DOF but for the others, I wanted to show the eeriness of where we were. It is, in fact, a super creepy place.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
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PM me an Email and I'll send you the RAWs.
Canon 600D; Canon 1D Mk2;
24-105 f4L IS; 70-200 f4L IS; 50mm 1.4; 28-75 f2.8; 55-250 IS; 580EX & (2) 430EX Flash,
Model Galleries: http://bilsen.zenfolio.com/
Everything Else: www.pbase.com/bilsen
thank you for the opportunity.
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