Yet another fall family session.....
A friend for whom I've shot before asked me to do another batch for her. I've never been 100% satisfied with the results of our previous shoots (although thankfully there were always enough good ones to satisfy them), but was thrilled to FINALLY got some shots of them I really feel proud of. Gorgeous October afternoon, the 5yo was wonderfully cooperative (much more so than two years ago!!), and even though the 18mo was a wiggle worm, we still got some fun ones.
Natural light, or added flash in a 42" shootthrough. A handful were bounce flash on camera. Sigma 35mm or Canon 70-200is 2.8 II. Still deciding on processing style, so they're a little all over the place at this point; I'll make it more cohesive in the final set.

2. I am coming to the conclusion I HATE doing posed group shots lol Add that this little man wasn't gonna smile at me while he was standing still no matter what, so this is what I gotz. It'll do, I suppose, although I'm a bit "meh" about it - definitely prefer the other shots in the session....

3. Ham sliced an inch thick! I'll take it - two years ago, she absolutely REFUSED to look at the camera; she was totally into it this time



7. These I love, although still thinking about what to do with the extra playground equipment "stuff" going on. I may just leave it - not so aesthetic, but it's where we were, and everybody knows what it looks like....
Natural light, or added flash in a 42" shootthrough. A handful were bounce flash on camera. Sigma 35mm or Canon 70-200is 2.8 II. Still deciding on processing style, so they're a little all over the place at this point; I'll make it more cohesive in the final set.

2. I am coming to the conclusion I HATE doing posed group shots lol Add that this little man wasn't gonna smile at me while he was standing still no matter what, so this is what I gotz. It'll do, I suppose, although I'm a bit "meh" about it - definitely prefer the other shots in the session....

3. Ham sliced an inch thick! I'll take it - two years ago, she absolutely REFUSED to look at the camera; she was totally into it this time



7. These I love, although still thinking about what to do with the extra playground equipment "stuff" going on. I may just leave it - not so aesthetic, but it's where we were, and everybody knows what it looks like....

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"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
(Also, I realise when I did the collages LR added a bunch of print sharpening, which is why they make look a little crunchy. Oops!)
Fortunately, they prefer a more lifestyle vibe to shots anyway, and we got a couple of fun ones with the group of them playing with bubbles. Still working through the shoot, so maybe a few more will pop up that I've missed
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An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Thanks for the kind words. I have REALLY struggled with family shoots to date - I always get a few that are ok-enough, but haven't felt any WOW factor until this batch, so I'm super-pleased. Only thing that still bugs me: I swear I will NEVER learn to autofocus moving subjects as crisply as I want and lost too many potential keepers to missed focus (it is completely my nemesis, and I have yet to figure out HOW to get round that - Jack and other sports shooters HOW DO YOU DO IT??!?!!) but other than that.... I am very happy with this set
I like the set and they should be pleased.
For sports and action, I like using AF-On button as my focus, and AF-C mode. In fact this is my setup for still photography as well. I can recompose the shot with af-on if needed since the shutter isn't the one gaining focus. With my Nikon cameras in AF-C mode the focus point will actually stay on the focus point if I move the camera to recompose as the camera thinks the subject is moving. It save from having to move the focus point around manually.
It's become second nature to me. I kept it from the days of shooting sports and news work and applied it to family sessions. When there are kids involved I don't have time to fool with exposure or AF settings. I rely on auto ISO after setting exposure and let the kids play. I treat family sessions like a sporting event.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Btw how do you handle autofocus in such cases?