New SmugMug in different language?

I`m currently on my 14 day trial of the new SmugMug and so far I`m really impressed and seriously considering going to Power account. However, there`s one thing that`s bothering me, and that`s localization. The majority of my (potential) visitors doesn`t speak English (or not very well). While I can certainly translate at least some parts of the gallery that are under my control (like hedings and stuff) to my native language (Czech) or make them bilingual, there`s still a fair amount of things I presumably have to leave in English (like tooltips, comment box and stuff like that).
I understand that on the old SmugMug, creating different language and/or bilingual sites was possible thanks to some JavaScript files, but that`s no longer an option on the new SmugMug (right?).
So, is there any solution to this? I don`t mind "going under the hood", so to speak, I have my fair amount of experience with web stuff, I also don`t mind having to make the translation myself (I can even share the result if there`s interest, I make my living as a pro translator so I can guarantee a certain level of quality), there any way to make my potential SmugMug site use different language than English? Or is such option perhaps at least coming in the near future?
And, alternatively, is there perhaps any way to go back to the old SmugMug from new SmugMug trial account? Deleting the current site and starting from scratch is something I`ve got no problem with (there`s not much on it yet anyway). I like the new design a lot and wouldn`t want to leave it, but I`ve never really seen the old one, so I`m not really sure if going back for the added customization options would be worth losing the new design.
Thanks for any ideas and/or suggestions.
I`m currently on my 14 day trial of the new SmugMug and so far I`m really impressed and seriously considering going to Power account. However, there`s one thing that`s bothering me, and that`s localization. The majority of my (potential) visitors doesn`t speak English (or not very well). While I can certainly translate at least some parts of the gallery that are under my control (like hedings and stuff) to my native language (Czech) or make them bilingual, there`s still a fair amount of things I presumably have to leave in English (like tooltips, comment box and stuff like that).
I understand that on the old SmugMug, creating different language and/or bilingual sites was possible thanks to some JavaScript files, but that`s no longer an option on the new SmugMug (right?).
So, is there any solution to this? I don`t mind "going under the hood", so to speak, I have my fair amount of experience with web stuff, I also don`t mind having to make the translation myself (I can even share the result if there`s interest, I make my living as a pro translator so I can guarantee a certain level of quality), there any way to make my potential SmugMug site use different language than English? Or is such option perhaps at least coming in the near future?
And, alternatively, is there perhaps any way to go back to the old SmugMug from new SmugMug trial account? Deleting the current site and starting from scratch is something I`ve got no problem with (there`s not much on it yet anyway). I like the new design a lot and wouldn`t want to leave it, but I`ve never really seen the old one, so I`m not really sure if going back for the added customization options would be worth losing the new design.
Thanks for any ideas and/or suggestions.
Support Hero and Customeister
Unfortunately, tool-tips (created by title="" attributes) can't be translated this way. But you can add text labels next to buttons instead:
If you're interested in pursuing this approach, maybe I can help out with writing the CSS?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Lamah: Oh, I didn't know you can use CSS to modify/add text content. And thanks for the offer, but I think I can manage - I've got some experience with site customizing and CSS, just never saw it used like this. The button labeling tip is great - I actually like the labeled buttons more than without the labels now.
Thanks a lot! That might just do it!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: