Miscelllaneous Items

Lightly used equipment for sale. Feel free to post back or send a PM for additional info. Thanks 
B+W 2-stop (0.6) 77mm Neutral Density Filter
Used but purchased new by me. Free shipping

Cokin P.Series plus 82mm Adapter Ring
New. Free shipping

Honl Photo Traveller16 Speedlite Softbox
Purchased new by me & used a handful of times.
$15 shipping

2 of Pixel TD-381 Speedlite Power Packs (for Canon)
$30 each
Purchased new by me & used a handful of times. Similar to the CPE3 & worked flawlessly
$10 shipping

Raynox DCR-250 Macro Conversion Lens
Purchased new by me & used 3-4 times. Ultimately purchased a Sigma 50mm macro
$10 shipping

Purchased new by me & used once to calibrate a 7D with backfocusing issues. Worked flawlessly
$10 shipping

2 of Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7") plus 16gb MicroSD plus Invisible Shield (installed) plus 2 leather stand cases
$130 each
Purchased new December '13 & used for 2 months (upgraded to iPads)
$15 shipping

B+W 2-stop (0.6) 77mm Neutral Density Filter
Used but purchased new by me. Free shipping

Cokin P.Series plus 82mm Adapter Ring
New. Free shipping

Honl Photo Traveller16 Speedlite Softbox
Purchased new by me & used a handful of times.
$15 shipping

2 of Pixel TD-381 Speedlite Power Packs (for Canon)
$30 each
Purchased new by me & used a handful of times. Similar to the CPE3 & worked flawlessly
$10 shipping

Raynox DCR-250 Macro Conversion Lens
Purchased new by me & used 3-4 times. Ultimately purchased a Sigma 50mm macro
$10 shipping

Purchased new by me & used once to calibrate a 7D with backfocusing issues. Worked flawlessly
$10 shipping

2 of Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7") plus 16gb MicroSD plus Invisible Shield (installed) plus 2 leather stand cases
$130 each
Purchased new December '13 & used for 2 months (upgraded to iPads)
$15 shipping

Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
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