It's not possible to use any kind of javascript code on the New SmugMug.
Yes. I'm well aware of this. Instead of the well-used "it can't be done" message, I was hoping someone would have a clever idea here - something along the lines of what was done here: http://www.sherlockphotography.org/Customisations/Custom-site-search where the actual script was hosted on a different website.
The inability to use tools that help us market ourselves effectively really hurts here. I hope Smugmug would consider giving us a way of using these tools...
Can you propose any alternatives to effectively target visitors to my site via facebook ads?
Copy the code into a html content block on your landingpage.
It will place the tracking pixel in the body part, i have got a few FB warning that it should stay in the head part of the page. I dont now if ot is possible to place it there. Anybody know?
Anyway it seems to work for my page and google analytics confirm it as well :-)
Copy the code into a html content block on your landingpage.
It will place the tracking pixel in the body part, i have got a few FB warning that it should stay in the head part of the page. I dont now if ot is possible to place it there. Anybody know?
Anyway it seems to work for my page and google analytics confirm it as well :-)
Interesting... what does all of the javascript stuff do then? I think what you have done works for tracking purposes but not for FB ad targeting.What I'm trying to do is this:
Customer Visits a specific page on my SM site that has a FB Tracking Pixel on it.
Facebook can use the fact that they visited this page to push a specific FB ad that I created to them
So for instance, if someone looks at my page regarding Senior Session information, FB would know via the tracking pixel and push one of my Facebook ads to them.
It just seems that a lot of social media marketing tools are useless to us on Smugmug...
I dont know, i just know that the noscript part does the work for sites that dont support java.
I think what you have done works for tracking purposes but not for FB ad targeting.
I focused on your subject, "facebook conversion pixel". It works the other way around: customer click your add and go to your website. He buy all your nice stuff. When he has paid, you make sure he will automatic be returned to a page where you thanks him for the purchase. On that page you have placed the conversion tracking pixel...and then you will know that your add was a succes. You can offcourse also set up a lot of other goals than a purchase.
So for instance, if someone looks at my page regarding Senior Session information, FB would know via the tracking pixel and push one of my Facebook ads to them.
I think this also can be done but i have not checked it out
It just seems that a lot of social media marketing tools are useless to us on Smugmug...
I know how you feel, but for me the most important is to know if my add converts to a purchase...or whatever goals we may have :-)
In short, you can use the noscript part but will miss some advantages:
Q: Can I use the IMG only version of the pixel? A: Yes, you can use the IMG only portion of the pixel. Q: What are other benefits of using the Javascript version of Custom Audience pixel? A: The full Javascript version has the following advantages over the IMG only pixel:
It's cross-browser and cross-platform.
It's fast and loads asynchronously so it doesn't block the page load.
Built in cache buster increases effectiveness.
You can send custom data with large payloads using HTTP POST.
It captures the original page URL when the pixel is placed in a tag container
It's not possible to use any kind of javascript code on the New SmugMug.
SmugMug Support Hero
The inability to use tools that help us market ourselves effectively really hurts here. I hope Smugmug would consider giving us a way of using these tools...
Can you propose any alternatives to effectively target visitors to my site via facebook ads?
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=xxxxxxxxxxx&cd[value]=0.00&cd[currency]=DKK&noscript=1" />
Copy the code into a html content block on your landingpage.
It will place the tracking pixel in the body part, i have got a few FB warning that it should stay in the head part of the page. I dont now if ot is possible to place it there. Anybody know?
Anyway it seems to work for my page and google analytics confirm it as well :-)
EDIT: check this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=243652
EDIT EDIT: Sorry this is also new for me. You should include the <>, like this:
<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=xxxxxxxxxxx&cd[value]=0.00&cd[currency]=DKK&noscript=1" />
- Customer Visits a specific page on my SM site that has a FB Tracking Pixel on it.
- Facebook can use the fact that they visited this page to push a specific FB ad that I created to them
So for instance, if someone looks at my page regarding Senior Session information, FB would know via the tracking pixel and push one of my Facebook ads to them.It just seems that a lot of social media marketing tools are useless to us on Smugmug...
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
I focused on your subject, "facebook conversion pixel". It works the other way around: customer click your add and go to your website. He buy all your nice stuff. When he has paid, you make sure he will automatic be returned to a page where you thanks him for the purchase. On that page you have placed the conversion tracking pixel...and then you will know that your add was a succes. You can offcourse also set up a lot of other goals than a purchase.
I think this also can be done but i have not checked it out
I know how you feel, but for me the most important is to know if my add converts to a purchase...or whatever goals we may have :-)
In short, you can use the noscript part but will miss some advantages:
Q: Can I use the IMG only version of the pixel?
A: Yes, you can use the IMG only portion of the pixel.
Q: What are other benefits of using the Javascript version of Custom Audience pixel?
A: The full Javascript version has the following advantages over the IMG only pixel: