Tablets and Small monitors

Just fired up my new Surface Pro 3 (WIN 8.1). Small issue. Site works perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 but on the SP3 the rollover titles and captions on the gallery thumbs don't roll. They just sit there. Otherwise the site works fine. Since The SP3 is a touch screen tablet with optional keyboard and mouse I understand why the rollovers won't work. Allen shot me some CSS to fix the same caption issue on the Android (smart phone) See Below. Why won't the same CSS that works on the Android work with the tablet gallery title and caption? Thanks. Jeff
(this css fixed the android title caption problem)
@media only screen and (max-width: 799px) {
.sm-tile-info > .sm-tile-caption {
display: none
(this css fixed the android title caption problem)
@media only screen and (max-width: 799px) {
.sm-tile-info > .sm-tile-caption {
display: none
Still trying to replicate on my tablet (Surface Pro 3, Win8.1) the code to display just the title and not the caption on my gallery thumbnails. Aaron's "Tablet and small monitor" customization technique won't work. (/* FOR TABLETS AND SMALL MONITORS) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 800px) {
Allen's suggested CSS works perfectly on my Android phone, but will not work on my Tablet.
@media only screen and (max-width: 799px) {
.sm-tile-info >.sm-tile-caption {
display: none;
Any CSS remedy specific for Tablets? Thanks.