Advise for softbox conversions needed

I recently moved from using Canon 580EX II to Paul C Buff Einstein E640 lights for most of my studio work. I have a number of Lastolite Softboxes that I used with the Flash unit that I would ideally like to use with my Einsteins. I am currently working on creating an adapter for the Lastolite boxes to fit the Einsteins.
Does anyone have any advice how do this? Has anyone done this before and (1) succeeded or (2) failed? Is there any reason why this is not a good idea? (I'm worried about the heat from the modeling light, but intend to turn those off when using the Lastolite softboxes).
I do have a number of Paul C Buff softboxes as well, but I'd like to reuse what I also have. Thanks.
Does anyone have any advice how do this? Has anyone done this before and (1) succeeded or (2) failed? Is there any reason why this is not a good idea? (I'm worried about the heat from the modeling light, but intend to turn those off when using the Lastolite softboxes).
I do have a number of Paul C Buff softboxes as well, but I'd like to reuse what I also have. Thanks.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Do you use Paul C Buff Lights also? Cheers.
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No, but they were a first-string consideration when I was researching monolights. I really appreciate the hands-on approach Paul Buff uses to run the company.
If have any questions about his products, feel free to contact them directly (phone or e-mail):
... or they have great help available via their Tech Forum:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
It would seem that I shouldn't use the modeling lights with the boxes due to the heat, but I'm not really worried about that for what I'm looking to use them for.
Thanks for the help it getting me searching in the right direction. Cheers.
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