Corsican Mantis Portrait
The last hotel of our stay in Corsica was more upmarket than our usual ones (four stars and two Ferraris in the car park). Even so, there was an external stair case to the level for our room. On the morning of our departure I found this mantis on a step. A transfer to a safer place on a a potted shrub rewarded me with some excellent images, this being the best.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm macro, TTL flash, hand-held.
EM-1 (manual mode), Kiron 105mm macro, TTL flash, hand-held.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I have seen a few mantis before, but this is the first time I had an all-around view.
I knew they were around because there were a couple on the glass wall of the restaurant patio area the previous evening.
Here is one with the wings showing, the dust, especially bottom left, being the glass of the outer edge wall. I had to prod it a bit to get the wings partly extended.
Thanks, but no flip. This one was hanging out in the restaurant. As the weight was below the support, this can give an unnatural look to the legs.