Duplicate page
So I was removing my old investment info & going to replace with new & now I have my About Me page on my Investment page. I've been messing with it & now i dont know what to do. I want to upload my investment jpeg file to Investment & clear the rest without it taking my About me page off too.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Well I already have an About Me page. I want to add a photoshop jpeg file {photo) to my Investment page but somehow my about me info is on there now & I don't want it to be.
When I tried deleting the about me page off of Investment it also took it off my About me page.
There does appear to be something wrong with the page that is opened when a viewer clicks Investment - the title on the browser bar starts with 404 which normally indicates that the page was not found. But what appears to be your about page does show.
I also noticed that when I click on MY STORY in your navbar I get this in the URL: http://www.unforgettablememoriesphotography.info/Other/About-Me#customize. I don't believe that #customize should be there.
Are you saying if you remove the information currently showing on your investment page that the MY STORY link no longer goes to the proper page?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I seen that also about 404 in brower bar in Investment page(prob cause I have it all messed up)
But yes i tried deleting it & it will delete MY Story as well. Im not sure its connecting to each other?!