use the search, luke!

:wave hello folks, n00bs and veterans alike. i can't tell you how many pms and emails i get all the time, asking for stuff that's readily, easily, handily available right here on dgrin.
learn to use the search tool. it's your friend :deal practice with it, learn to search for specific things in specific forums, or in all forums if need be.
we've grown so much in the past couple years and have so many fine contributors, that chances are really good that your question has been discussed before and you can learn a lot from prior posts. sure - there's nothing wrong with asking a new or related question after searching - but please, use the search first, it'll pay dividends, i assure you.
if anyone has specific hints/tips about using the search tool, post 'em here.
learn to use the search tool. it's your friend :deal practice with it, learn to search for specific things in specific forums, or in all forums if need be.
we've grown so much in the past couple years and have so many fine contributors, that chances are really good that your question has been discussed before and you can learn a lot from prior posts. sure - there's nothing wrong with asking a new or related question after searching - but please, use the search first, it'll pay dividends, i assure you.
if anyone has specific hints/tips about using the search tool, post 'em here.
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I have looked up a subject, a long list of posts, nothing in the subj line refers to what I want, so I pick a post only to just see my quest mentioned, no real help. Yet there are posts with mega help, not labeled as such. To truly research, it can be a problem, IMO. I did it with the flash, the Sigma Super, so I do have experience in this line.
And the subj line is difficult, to impossible, to change. For me.
FM has a great review section, one thing I do use them for.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
When you search with google, you can search a specific site if you want to. So you could type "stacking noise" into the search field, and the only results that would come up are from dgrin. Pretty handy and, as you say, more powerful than the native search tool here.
another good one: nowtypeyoursearchquery
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Thats why you guys should really make viewing this thread
Part of the sign up process.
... if the search engine could actually produce some url/REST-like search string, not just the stupid searchid...
BTW - is it possible to incorporate google's site search instead of (or in addition to) VB's one?
Use Advanced Search on Dgrin, and try on the lower left, "search by" and choose "posts" not threads
TIP #2
If you need to search for three-letter words or your search includes a three-letter work - like "raw converter" for example, try SITE SEARCH on Google. In the Google search box, put:
It works a treat
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I have to say, this is a royal pain when it comes to (for example) searching the flea market for a lens. "canon 85 1.2" is a pretty reasonable search string, but the results - based just on "canon" - not so much. The google version isn't much better. You'll get the relevant results, among dozens or hundreds that aren't so relevant.
Does anyone have any hints? Am I missing something obvious?
is that bad?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Not *bad* per se, just... not good. It's not a huge deal, don't misunderstand me. Just a mild annoyance. About half of those results aren't relevant to the intent of my search (including a link back to this thread...