Product Releases: December 2014

The following are the new releases and bug fixes for December (and through today, January 7, 2015):
New Releases:
- Collected photos will now show an icon when viewed in the Organizer to indicate they are a collected photo! See the image below.
- Adding custom links to the Single Photos, Social Icons, Menus, and Logo Content Blocks now supports relative URL's in the Custom URL field by using a "/" in the beginning of the URL. (i.e.: entering "/Test" will generate a URL of: or
- iOS: Upload photos straight to SmugMug from the camera roll or any app! Simply hit the Share icon in your app and choose SmugMug from the list of available services. See the image below.
- Pricelists: Managing pricelists should see a performance bump and be snappier!
- Many-Photo Purchasing: When logged in and to buying multiple of your own photos that have pricelists with different vendors you should now only see products available for the photos when clicking "Change Product." Previously this scenario would show all products from all vendors.
- Many-Photo Purchasing: When logged in and using the Many Photos Buy to buy only your own photos, downloads will no longer show in the "Change Product" list. Previously they would show in the list, but you couldn't actually buy them.
- Fixed an issue with adding links to the Logo Content Block that generated impromper links if "http://" or "www" was left out. Single Photos, Social Icons, Menu, and the Logo Content block now all behave similarly.
- Fixed in issue in Thumbnail or Collage styles where images beyond page 1 when opened in the lightbox would not close the lightbox when the browser back-button was clicked.
- Restored shopping cart functionality to IE9 users who couldn't get into the cart to check-out. IE9/10/11 are now supported (in addition to all the other browsers that are supported).
- Fixed an issue with StatCounter not properly counting image views.
- Fixed an issue with the Single Photo Content Block that wasn't allowing Centering to be turned off. Images will now align on the left if centering is turned off.
New Videos Tutorials Added:
We’ve also been hard at work filling out our library of great video tutorials. Here are three more you can watch and share:
1) Collect Photo Tool - Learn How to Display One Photo in Many Galleries
2) How To: Arrange & Sort Photos and Videos - SmugMug Quick Reference
3) How To: Move Photos and Videos between Galleries on SmugMug
Example of new Organizer icon indicating a collected photo:
(All of the images in this gallery are collected)
iOS, Upload To SmugMug from Anywhere:
New Releases:
- Collected photos will now show an icon when viewed in the Organizer to indicate they are a collected photo! See the image below.
- Adding custom links to the Single Photos, Social Icons, Menus, and Logo Content Blocks now supports relative URL's in the Custom URL field by using a "/" in the beginning of the URL. (i.e.: entering "/Test" will generate a URL of: or
- iOS: Upload photos straight to SmugMug from the camera roll or any app! Simply hit the Share icon in your app and choose SmugMug from the list of available services. See the image below.
- Pricelists: Managing pricelists should see a performance bump and be snappier!
- Many-Photo Purchasing: When logged in and to buying multiple of your own photos that have pricelists with different vendors you should now only see products available for the photos when clicking "Change Product." Previously this scenario would show all products from all vendors.
- Many-Photo Purchasing: When logged in and using the Many Photos Buy to buy only your own photos, downloads will no longer show in the "Change Product" list. Previously they would show in the list, but you couldn't actually buy them.
- Fixed an issue with adding links to the Logo Content Block that generated impromper links if "http://" or "www" was left out. Single Photos, Social Icons, Menu, and the Logo Content block now all behave similarly.
- Fixed in issue in Thumbnail or Collage styles where images beyond page 1 when opened in the lightbox would not close the lightbox when the browser back-button was clicked.
- Restored shopping cart functionality to IE9 users who couldn't get into the cart to check-out. IE9/10/11 are now supported (in addition to all the other browsers that are supported).
- Fixed an issue with StatCounter not properly counting image views.
- Fixed an issue with the Single Photo Content Block that wasn't allowing Centering to be turned off. Images will now align on the left if centering is turned off.
New Videos Tutorials Added:
We’ve also been hard at work filling out our library of great video tutorials. Here are three more you can watch and share:
1) Collect Photo Tool - Learn How to Display One Photo in Many Galleries
2) How To: Arrange & Sort Photos and Videos - SmugMug Quick Reference
3) How To: Move Photos and Videos between Galleries on SmugMug
Example of new Organizer icon indicating a collected photo:
(All of the images in this gallery are collected)
iOS, Upload To SmugMug from Anywhere:

dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Greeting from Germany,
I changed my menu links to use relative urls. Now when I enter the site with my smug domain as opposed to my custom domain the smug domain sticks when I enter those pages. Unfortunately as soon as I click on a folder or gallery the URL reverts to my custom domain.
Yes, for the most part I want my custom domain used.
But - if that custom domain was down for some reason I'd love for folks to be able to use my smug URL to view my site. That worked on legacy but it still doesn't seem to be possible now.
Am I missing a setting somewhere that would allow folders and galleries to stick to the URL used when entering the page?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I always liked having my smug url as a working backup for my custom domain in legacy. I'd love to have that again.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Agree with Denise. Having the capability to use both makes me comfortable in case of custom domain problems.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
We received feedback that a lot of our Pro's want to make sure people see their branding and not SmugMug's and therefore wanted to ensure they were always taken to their custom domain. I think if we ever did implement a way to keep URL's on your it would have to be an option turned on/off for each account.
With the reliability of domain hosting sites these days, the biggest threat to any custom domain issues is probably remembering to renew your domain. Once your custom domain is setup, it should work forever (theoretically).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Mark Derry
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
W're always trying to listen to the feedback of the majority of our customers and in this case we were especially listening to our Pro's who said they want their customers to always be on their custom domain. Just look at the number of people who voted on removing the SmugMug footer. There are so many benefits to having either option but they want their sites to be SmugMug free and that includes in the URL. Just imagine if a client came to your website and all of a sudden they see "" in the domain. There's so much room for confusion and that's why we thought it was a good change.
Major releases, like New SmugMug are a time where decisions and changes from the old way can be implemented as code is re-written. Just because Legacy did it one way doesn't necessarily mean it's the best way. And similarly, just because we changed how it was done for New SmugMug doesn't mean that it's done the best either. That's the beauty of these forums and the Feature Request Page and why we love to interact with you guys.
Before I came to SmugMug my company blocked my custom domain. I could get to my homepage by going to but after that I'd be stuck having to change the URL over and over. It was a pain.
I could see some kind of toggle being an appropriate way to appease both preferences. The people that want to always be on their custom domain could choose that and the people that want flexibility could choose that. However, with that said, the number of times when a custom domain has issues is so small that the priority on this will also be very small.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
All I am asking is that the URL that is used to enter the site should stick.
I guess I'm also quite confused (and I'd like to understand). Why was the ability to use relative URLs added? It seems that if I am able to use a relative URL in my menu bar that a relative URL should also be used from the folders built by smug. Or is there a purpose that I am not aware of?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
It does make entering URL's (slightly) easier. Rather than having to type out I can now just type "/Nature/Landscapes". With that said, I usually just copy/paste URL's anyways so the whole easier to type thing goes out the window.
Everything is still relative, it's just relative to the custom domain rather than what was entered in the URL.
Give me a few days to gather some more information and I'll get back to you with a better answer.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Very impressed! Well done SmugMug
Vote for: SmugMug Two factor authentication
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)