carousel issues

I wanted to use the new carousel display option on some of my galleries, and I customized the gallery page to add that content block, using the images already in that gallery. Problem is, I can't figure out how to delete the gallery display option already there (the smugmug thumbnails one, which I was using before). How?
Glad to hear you are checking out the new carousel content block
If you are looking to have site visitors just see the carousel content block and nothing else, then you would need to create a custom page that has just that content block added. You can then link directly to that custom page and not the gallery.
If you have any other questions about that, just let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero
The carousel content block is not a gallery style so it can't quite be used in the way you are looking for. It is a content block and can be added to the site and each gallery if you customize each gallery to include one but it can't be used in place of the existing gallery style, like Thumbnails which you mentioned earlier.
If you wanted to use only the carousel style you would need to create those custom pages. I wouldn't recommend that option though, because the carousel content block would not allow all of the same functions and tools that you see in your gallery. It offers a beautiful way to scroll through images, but the actual buy, share tools etc are available via the galleries themselves and would not be available if you were only using carousel content blocks.
Please let us know if you have more questions about that.
SmugMug Support Hero